Full text: The Department of Labor and Industry

The principal powers and duties delegated to the 
Bureau of Statistics in the administrative work of 
the Department of Labor and Industry are outlined 
in Section 2204 of the Administrative Code which 
reads as follows: 
““The Department of Labor and Industry shall 
have the power to collect, compile, and publish 
statistics relating to labor and industry, to or- 
ganizations of employes, and to organizations of 
The word ‘‘statisties’’ is defined generally as meaning numerical 
facts, collectively, pertaining to a body of things, especially quantita- 
tive data scientifically and systematically -collected, tabulated, collated, 
and analyzed. 
The Bureau of Statisties was organized in June, 1923. Prior to that 
time each bureau in the Department kept its own statistical records 
and published information concerning its own individual activities. 
This plan operated unsatisfactorily, and the demand 
for information, purely statistical in nature, con- 
cerning the work of the Department had increased 
to such an extent that it was found to be advisable 
to form a separate and distinct agency to carry on 
the statistical work for the entire Department. The 
scope of statistical work was enlarged, and it now 
covers nearly all compilations that are used for ad- 
ministrative information and guidance, as well as 
for all statistical information that is of general pub- 
lic interest. 
The main and important groups into which the 
statistical work of the Bureau is divided are: In- 
dustrial accidents, compensation, employment, wages, building activi- 
ties. and Departmental records. 
The collection and classification of facts relating to industrial acei- 
dents on the basis of their relative number and manner of occurrence 
is the major part of the Bureau’s work. The primary purpose in secur- 
ing statistics of accidents is to obtain reliable information upon which 
effective safety work may be based, and to indicate places where the 
adoption and strict enforcement of accident preventive measures is 
desirable. Secondary considerations are to obtain aceurate records of 
the number and kind of industrial aecidents occurring, to provide 
material for research into the effect of Workmen’s Compensation and 
the need for improvements in Workmen’s Compensation Legislation, 
and generally, to assist in the proper administration of the provisions 
of the Workmen’s Compensation law. 
In order to obtain best results for each of the considerations named. 

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