Contents: Modern business geography

Aa. Rupsinel 
Fra. 81. At the wharves in Gloucester, the former center of the fishing industry of the United 
States, thousands of tons of fish are landed vearly. As a fishing citv Boston now outranks 
Fisuing is the only form of primary production that takes men 
away from the land and out on the waters of seas, rivers, and lakes. 
Although fishing adds to the variety and abundance of man’s food, 
the fishing industry is more interesting than important. In the 
United States, in 1919, among a thousand working people 290, on the 
average, were engaged in primary production. Of these, 258 were 
Farmers, 26 were miners, 5 were lumbermen, and only one was a fisher- 
man. In our country, therefore, fishermen are the least numerous 
of the primary producers. Moreover, the total yearly catch of fish 
is worth less than one of the minor crops, such as barley or tobacco. 
In countries like Norway, however, where the surface is rugged, 
the soil poor, and the coastline irregular, people turn to the sea for 
much of their food, and fishing is one of the chief industries. 
Fishing an industry of the north temperate zone. Although food 
fish are found in all oceans, the kinds most highly prized thrive in the 
cool waters of the north temperate zone. Furthermore, the total 
amount of life in the oceans is actually much greater in high latitudes 

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