Metadata: Modern business geography

Great Britain — Continued 
servation, in colonies 140; consumption 
of timber 143; railways 175, 183; control 
of Suez Canal 246; and Panama Canal 
246; textiles 265, 276, 291; iron and steel 
265; shipbuilding 266; cities 266; 
sources of supply for copper 274; wool 
275, 276; lumber 275; coal 275; per- 
centage of workers in farming and in- 
dustry 275; exports of machinery 277; 
as market 287, 288; population 287; 
commerce 281, 296, 300, 301, 302, 309, 310. 
See also England, Ireland, Scotland 
Great Lakes 106, 116, 166, 192-194,* 195, 
204,* 205, 216, 219, 220, 225, 226 
Great Plains, wheat growing 42, 43,* 22.1%; 
cattle raising 83,* 88 
Greece 53, 279, 281, 308, 329 
Greensboro (North Carolina) 237 
Guadalajara (Mexico) 155 
Guano 336 
Guatemala 78, 162, 305,* 329 
Guayaquil (Ecuador) 150, 207, 335 
Gums 231, 293, 336 
Gunpowder 290 
Halifax (Nova Scotia) 225, 226 
Hamburg (Germany) 190, 268, 331 
Hamilton (Ontario) 225 
Harbors, satisfactory 207; of United States 
208-217,* 219*: of northwestern Europe 
Hats, exported from South America 336 
Hawaii, sugar 71, 292; citrus fruits 77; 
commerce 301; area and population 326, 
Hay 83, 101,* 312 
Hemp, Manila 289, 329 
denequen 154* 
Hessian fly 41 
Hides 147, 148, 152, 231, 245. 275, 292, 293. 
312, 321 
Himalaya Mountains, carriers in 159 
Hinterland 208. See also Seaports 
tloang Ho, cotton in valley of 7 
Holland. See Netherlands 
Homestead (Pennsylvania) 254,* 334 
Honduras 79, 329 
Honey 68, 73 
Hongkong 207, 302, 328, 331 
Honolulu (Hawaii) 215, 334 
Hoosac Tunnel 211 
Horses, in United States 100,* 101; used 
in transportation 162, 163,* 164, 167, 
168, 174; in Asia and Australia 312 
Houston (Texas) 198, 213,* 216, 259. 334 
Hudson River 193, 196 
Hulls, of cotton seed 23 
Hungary. percentage of farmers 27: wheat | 
13; corn 49; cattle 90; copper 119; 
railways 183; manufactures 275; silk 
279; flax 279; commerce 281, 308; area 
and population 329 
Junting, as occupation 27 
dydroelectric power 237, 263 
Jvdroplanes 169 
‘badan (Nigeria) 233 
(ce, in harbors 208, 219, 225, 226; artificial, 
manufactured in New Orleans 258 
iceland, fisheries 103 
Idaho, sugar beets 70; minerals 325; area 
and population 326; manufacturing 327 
(linois, corn 47; wheat 53; apples 75; coal 
fields 124; forests 135; railways 187; 
roads 173; electric railways 185; factory 
workers in Chicago 231; minerals 325; 
area and population 326; manufacturing 
[mports, of cotton into United States 20; 
into India 22; into China 23; of wheat 
‘n leading countries 55; value of, at prin- 
ripal ports of United States 221; of cotton 
nto Great Britain 265; of wool into 
reat Britain 265, 276: into Holland 
rom Dutch East Indies 270; from Swit- 
rerland into United States 270; of 
vheat into Great Britain 275; into United 
States 289-293, 294, 296, 308; from 
Great Britain, into United States 300; 
‘nto China 302; into Mexico, from United 
States 306; rise in value of, into Philip- 
sine Islands 306; into Canada and Aus- 
'ralia from United States 307; into out- 
ying possessions from United States 310; 
f raw cotton, into Japan 319 
adia, cotton 7, 13,* 19,* 275, 276, 300; 
»opulation 22, 328; percentage of farmers 
27; size of crops 30; rice and millet 41, 
30, 52, 320; wheat 53, 55,275; vegetables 
51; sugar cane 71,292; cattle raising 89*; 
old 120; forest conservation 140; trans- 
sortation 159, 167, 183, 317; goatskins 
245, 292; water power 263*; industrial 
levelopment 272; hides 275; purchasing 
rower 287; tea 291; foreign commerce 
297, 300, 301, 308; percentage of produc- 
ion of chief primary products 312-313; 
sattle as draft animals 314; Calcutta, port 
315*; goods manufactured 318; area 328 
‘ndiana, corn 47; wheat 47; forests 135; 
electric railways 185; minerals 325; area 
and population 326; manufacturing 327 
{ndianapolis (Indiana) 223, 255, 330 
Industries, basis of modern 117, 125; and 
water power 125; location of 125, 235; of 
cities 247; districts of, in United States 
249-963*- in the different continents 323

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