Full text: Iceland 1930

Accident insurance 111—113 
Accidents, cause of death 16 
Administration 34-35 
mt , expenditure 40-41, 44, 
Admission fo Iceland 161-162 
Age distribution 14 
Agricultural population 17-18, 51 
schools 63 
societies 59, 60, 62—63 
Agriculture 51—64 
Air communication 104—105 
Althingi, constitution 27—30 
, expenditure 40—41, 44 
, history 19—22, 161 
America, discovery of, 177 
Angling 174 —176 
Area of Iceland 1 
- inhabited land 51 
Art industry 157 
Arts 157—160 
Assets, municipal 49 
— , State 45 
Aviation 104—105 
Banks 85-92 
Birds 8 
Births 15 
Bridges 99 
Broadcasting 129 
Budget 30-31 
Business houses 77-78 
Butter production 58, 59 
Cattle 54—56 
Causes of death 16 
Caves 170 
Census 12—13 
Ceniral Administration 34—35 
ok —_— , expenditure 44 
Chamber of commerce 79 
Char 8 
— , angling 175—176 
Chemical Laboratory 128 
Chess, collection of books on, 126—127 
Church; expenditure 40—41, 45 
— , organization 31, 120—122 
Climate 5—6 
Coal, importation of, 81—82, 84 
— , import duty on, 80 
Coasts 1 
Cod fisheries 67 
Coffee, importation of, 82 
— , import duty on, 80 
Colonization of Greenland 177 
_—— - Iceland 11, 19, 177 
Commerce 77—84 
—— , population 17 
Commercial Schools 79 
—— Travellers 163 
Commission Agents 163 
Communications 98—105 
, expenditure 40—41, 44 
—45, 48—49 
, population 17 
Conjugal condition 14 
Constitution 26—34 
, history 19-23 
Cooperative societies, agricultural 59-640 
— yy , consumers 78 
Council of State 26—27 
Court poetry 133—136

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