Full text: Iceland 1930

Crops 53—54 
Customs 40—41, 43-44, 79—80 
Dairies 59 
Deaths 1516 
Debt, national 46 
~— , local 49—50 
Districts, finance 47—50 
—— , jurisdiction 33 
—~— , local government 35 
Domestic industries 75 
Dramatic art 160 
—~— literature 156 
Drowning 16 
Duties 79—80 
Earthquakes 3 
Eddic lays 133—134 
Education, elementary 123—124 
—— , expenditure on, 40—41, 45, 48 
—~— , secondary 125—126 
—— , University 126 
Elementary schools 123—124 
Emigration 13 
Employers’ organizations 106 
Eruptions, volcanic 2 
Zstates 52-53 
— , improvements of, 60—61 
Exchange rates 97 
Executive power 31—32 
Expenditure, municipal 48—49 
—— , State 40—41, 44-45 
Export duties 80 
Synorts 80—84 
Farmers 51, 53 
Farming population 17—18, 51 
Farm produce 58—59 
Fauna 7—9 
Finance, Municipal 47—50 
~ , State 39—47 
Financial Institutions 85—96 
Fine Arts 157—160 
Fire insurance 95 
Fisheries, Foreigners’ rights 164 
—— , inspection 24, 74 
—-— , in Lakes and Rivers 9, 167—169 
—— , population 17, 67 
—— , Sea 9, 65—74 
Fishermen 66 
Fish export 71—72, 83—84 
Fishing fleet 65—66 
— Fund 73 
— seasons 66 
Fish-oil 69-70 
— , export 83 
Fish-sorting and curing 69 
Flora 6—7 
Folk melodies 159 
Folk-Tales 153 
Foodplants 7 
Foreign affairs 24 
— , expenditure 44 
Foreign companies 165 
Foreigners in Iceland 161—166 
Forests 6, 54 
— , area 52 
— , planting of, 63 
Foxes 7=-8 
Geography 1—10 
Geological Formation 4—5 
Geysir 3, 170, 173 
Glaciers 2 
Goats 54, 57 
Government Stores 78 
Greenland, colonization of, 177 
Gulf Stream 6 
Habitable land 9 
Handicraft, population 17 
-—— trades 75 
Harbours 102 
Hay, production of, 53 
Hekla 2, 169, 173 
Herring, fisheries 70-71 
—-— , export 83, 84 
Historical literature 144 —150, 152 
History of Iceland 19-23, 177—180 
Horses 54, 5657 
-- , exportation of, 57, 81 
Hospitals 114-115 
Hot springs 2-3, 170 
— — , sources of energy 10 
Housing 115116 
Hypothec-Mortgage Department 87, 8% 
[celandic Steamship Company 101 
.celand moss 7 
enar 9

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