Protection of workers 107—108
Public health 114—115
. expenditure 40—41, 44, 48
Race 11
Real estate, Foreigners’ rights 164
Registration of vessels 157-158
Reindeer 7
Religion 120
Republic of Iceland 19-20
Revenue, municipal 47—49
~— , State 39—44
Reykjavik 17, 167—168, 172, 177
Rights of citizens 33—34
Rivers 3, 170—171, 174—175
Roads 98 —100 :
— , expenditure 48—49
Royal power 26~-27, 31—32
flag 8
Rural Bank of Iceland 91—92
husbandry 51-64
population 16—18, 51
Réntgen Institute 128
Sagas 144—151
Salaries of State officials 109—110
Salmon 8
~ , angling 174—175
Salt, importation of, 82. 84
— , import duty on, 80
Sanitation 114—115
—— , expenditure 40—41, 44, 48
Savings Banks 93—94
Schools, agricultural 63
—— , commercial 79
—— , elementary 123-124
—-— , expenditure 48
, for sailors and fishermen 73
~— , secondary 125-126
Sculpture 158
Seals 8
Sea-territorial Fund 73
Sea weed 7
Sexes, proportion 13—14
Sheep 54—55
— , exportation of, 58
Sheep-skins, exportation of, 59, 83
Shipping 100—101
~~ Foreigners’ right 164
Sickness insurance 113—114
Slaughter-houses 59—60
Social conditions 106—119
— insurance 111-114
Societies, agricultural 59, 60, 62—63
—— , cooperative 59—60, 78
for the promotion of the Fish-
ing trade 74
for the promotion of Learning
and Science 129—130
Sports 130
State finance 39-47
— loans 46-47
Steamship Company, The Icelandic 101
Strikes and lock-outs 106
Struggle for independence 22
Sugar, importation of, 82
- , import duty on, 80
Swedes 7, 54
Taxation of Foreigners 165—166
Taxes, municipal 47—48
— , State 40-43
Telegraphs and telephones 103—104
— — _ revenue and
expenditure 40—41, 44
Temperance 117—119
Thingvellir 168
Tobacco, importation of, 82
—-— , import duties on, £0
—-— , monopoly 78
[ourists 167
Tourist routes 172—174
Towns, finance 47-50
— , jurisdiction 33
— , local government 35
— , population 16—17
Trade 77—84
— , Foreigners’ rights 162
— Marks 164
Trout 8
— , angling 175-176
Tuberculosis, cause of death 16
—— . fight against, 114—115
Union with Denmark 21
—— , actof, 1918, 23-25
— Norway 20
University 126
Urban population 16—17