Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Paragraph | 
Act of} Act of | 
1922 | 1930 
Imports, calendar year 1928 
Computed duties on 192 
Rate of duty 
Actual or com 
puted ad valo 
rem rate 
Act of | Act of 
| Act of 1930 | 1922 | 1930 
i Unit of 
| quantity 
Quantity Value | Vetus per 
. unit 
Act of 1922 | Act of 1930 
Act of 1922 
ron or sveel wares, n. S. p. f.— 
99 396 1 Twist aris, restore at 0° ed. er cent| Per ce 
» id Hinges and hinge blanks. | _. "7" "*=~--=---s--oeooono| Pound... $4,956 | d0percent___..____._.|46peroent. ._._..____[ 40.00 | 45 
Mel Br) pueshanivare ¢ nie Sg reformer on) 080 de 
899 | 397 From i 2.8. p. 1, not plated... TTI 8, 890 yp Ep 40.00 o- 
Te ee eae 36 | 40 per cent less 20 per | 45 per cent less 20 per | 32.00 86. Ob 
Venison mel wares, n. Sp. 1: cent, cent. 6 
: anufactur 
Jopper manutactures, not pamiated, 0.8. pf pee 40 DO 0BE-.-o--- no) 45 DF CODE. omen 
anufactures, not plat LS pf TTT semen ere eens meme ee le TO aan 
Manufactures, not plated. Er LC gpa wm mma eee QO ee OL 
n ’ EID niin pm ii 40 per cent less 20 per | 45 22 cent less 20 per 
Tonze manufactures cent, cent, 
Lead manufactures, Sa ph x 8. ZL Fe tems RR emma men, me - 326,975 | 40 per ent. ovo nu.-n| 45 DOL CON. _weonooo oo 
Yickel manufactures, not plated, minor ome Ee 60,748 |. oe dO OL 
{inc manufactures, not plated, m. §, p, {77 T"Tms-et-eme mesesmemees emseemaneas 83,462 | QOL 
a manufactures, not plated, ns, pf T7ITTm mmm mmm remem nee eee 52,108 |e Onecare Oe, 
Sh manufactures, not plated, n.’s, p, fo. 7 7TTTTTT mmm me eres meanness ae ae 4,058 10 De 
Fre MEURGMES, B. 8, 1.,, 2 "ir mrnmmmreesan ma nss| omar ere crmmmn eee VE 2% [i Bmmronma mama fuss’ Genipneersmsmanes 
ns pf nd compositions and mamufaciires, nok piated; 11-11 IIIT ord 016 [12 Gor  e 
“rom Cuba...._____ 
eee JA i SR me 143 | 40 per cent less 20 per | 45 per cent less 20 per 
venige, Sxcept agricultural, ns. pf: cent cent. 
“Jarriages, drays, trucks. ane Sipe al chief value Pound 2,193 956 | 40 t {45 t 
5, rays, trucks, and other vehicles ap iC srs-=-===--7---| POUDd___... , percent... 45 per cent. oo... 
metal chief value, nd parts, ns, p. f.— |....do_....__ 24, 511 E4130 FOO: TS E:T: 
Total inerease........__.____ . w mmo: tio eigen] 
fee] 8,868,880 — 10,028,062 | 12,878,475 |-oroneoeecirence fe 
Tremere PI fee ROBO IAT BERR EARS E a Cees 
w. 00 45. 00 
40. 00 45.00 
10.00 45,00 
2.00 36.00 
w, 00 45.00 
YAO 45.00 
C9 45.00 
0 45.00 
J. 00 45.00 
40,00 45.00 
40.00 45.00 
40.00 45.00 
32.00 | 36.00 
40. 00 45.00 
40.00 45. 00 
41,97 51.80 
802! 302 | Ferrochrome or ferrochromium, containing 3 per cent or more of Pound. me 
+ carbon (chromium content), do - 
339 330] Aluminum a rem hp 
839 339 | Household utensils—Copper, brass, steel, or other base metal, con- |.._..do. ..... 
taining electric elements, do . 
339 339 Aluminum household utensils, containing electric elements... :.__..do_... 
839 1 339 Enameled or glazed householq utensils, containing electric ele-*.__._do_-.... 
i ments, except flatirong, . mber.__. 
330 339 Tlectric Hs Nu oT 
Razors (other than safety) and parts of— doe oo. 
358 | 958 Valued at 75 cents ang less than $1.50 per dozen._....ooccceri eeea@0.nn 
358 | 358° Valued at $1.50 and Jess than $3 per dozen. _____._____. Sa 
358 © 358 Valued at $3 and Jess than $4 per OUD ccomsemopsmasiasoniss mois 
358 358 Valued at $4 or more per down... nine) 
864 1 173 Vuzzledoading shotguns, rifles, and muskets ________________. eel 
364 | 1723 arts of muzzle-loading shotguns, rifles, ang TUSKOLS. oooeoemmms eamemomans 
369 | 369 OIOODIES. oo SHS Number. ...e 
369 | 389 | Automobile a --d0-- oc 
368! 369 | Automobile DOS eee © een 
[nternal-combustion engines: dome. 
A TTT oo 
Stationary "J T1777 meee eer menu an mmm nnn) reson rn 
N.s. p. om eae or sms. “Pound...oon 
Parts of lace and embroidery i Neer 
Printing Dresses, n. s, p. foe TTT eee CRE 
Machines, n. s. p, f., except Sgrleultural. TTT jl 
From CBR Tee 
Aluminum: i Pound...... 
374 Crude scrap and BUOYS. eee donee. 
374 | From Ci cae ameemsmrees eae er ER TT 
374 | Plates, sheets, bars, strips, rods, coils, and blanks....___..... ewe ffsronmnn 
374 Circles, disks, rectangles, and Squares... LT TTC do” 
1734 Jickel al Hao re ar a Sree eae rareemanas de 
331 Jpholsterers’ nails, thump tacks, n.'s. pf IIIT - 
Electrical apparatus, pn, g, p.L: t 
353 Switches, cirenif breakers, fuse choke coils, reactors, Yrs S) 
cut out attachment, plugs and other distribution apparatus. 
353 ! Industria] electric furnaces and OVODS. oo eee 
357 Therapeutic apparatus and X-ray machines... 0 TC 
35. Telephone apparatus, n, e, Sn nn 
357 Ylectric apparatus and parts, n. 5. p. Fe 
Total AOOTORSe. eee 
Per cent| Per cent 
$3, 860 | 314 cents per pound... | 23% cents per pound .._| 85.22 25,16 
42,787 | 11 cents per pound | 8)4 cents per pound | 76.34 56. 49 
| plus 65 per cent. | plus 40 per cent. 
476 | 50 percent _..._......| 40 percent ...........| 50.00 40. 00 
220 | 11 cents per pound | 824 cents per pound | 92.78 81.45 
plus 65 per cent. plus 40 per cent. 
4,071 | 5 cents per pound | 5 cents per pound | 61.21 51.21 
plus 40 per cent. plus 30 per cent. 
136 | 50 percent. ......... 40percemt..._._.._....| 50.00 40.00 
40 256 cents each plus 45 25 cents each plus 30 | 302.14 = 9287. 14 
per cent, per cent. 
10,560 30 cents each plus45 30 cents each plus 30 | 169.55 154.55 
per cent. per cent. 
16,221 36 cents each plus 45 35 cents each plus 30 | 155.46 | 140.46 
| per cent. | per cent, 
138,837 45 cents each plus 45 | 45 cents each plus 30 | 127.71 | 112.71 
per cent, per cent. 
Free. 25percent..____..._... Free ___.............| 25.00 Free. 
Fi fmm 0c eee 0 26. 00 Free. 
1 MN eedoeoeeoeee. 10Der ONY. meeoo... [1428.36 | 1 22. 6 
Sead EP ceeeeooM30.48 | M2435 
18 41 
L090 donna. 4 eeemeoeeean 4 40,07 | 432,02 
., 56 30percent............] 27% percent... ....... 30.00 | 
5,087 | eed0ec cacao lOc. 30.00 
3,186 ee: ceeelO acca 20.00 
6,948 | 40 percent... _....... 30 percent. ...._..... 2.00 
67,847 , 30 percent... _........ "percent ______.____| 5000 
2, 624, 890 goa 27% per cent, .........| 30.00 
55 1 30 per cent less 20 7% per cent less 20 | 24.00 
per cent. per cent. 
6 cents per pound. .... # cents per pound....., 
5 cents per pound less ' cents per pound less 
20 per cent. 20 per cent. 
9 cents per pound... ' cents per pound. .... 
veeeelOueieeccl Oia 
1 cent per pound. ....; Jree. ...._______..__. 
40 per cent. ......—.-.—., ‘cents per pound..... 
asi® Von 35percent. _.._...... 
mn wm SL oo me mo Fn i CLC ce 9 A 
ben 0 ici ww wmsitem ms fin ws Om mrp sroy ee mmm mms 
wien O00 we minimis sim nsw mie lo eoe Emam ees mmm mem 
coma e@Oia cima Oa ol 
154,385 $15,344 | $0.099 | $5,403 
146,950 75,737 .515 | 57,821 
1,987 1,189 ' 598 | 594 
904 358 396 332 
33, 724 7, 950 . 236 4,866 
124 341 | 2.750 171 
14 14! L097 42 
28,308 | 6,833 | 241 11, 585 | 
36,447 | 11, 549 | 1317 17,954 | 
296, 404 123,183 C544 157, 314 
102 607 5.951 152 
en 46 oo. 2a elk 
, 686 
515 973,741  1,800.759 260.138 
46 192,195  4,178.152 i ois | 
2 188,015  2,303.841 one 
br 545 
* 264 
80, 810 
2,863, 516 
374 | 
399 | 
38, 816, 657 
5, 851 
1,743, 218 
8, 046, 192 
="9, 891 
. 207 
. 109 
. 333 
. 145 
1, 940, 833 
1 AQ 
24.12 19. 30 
36.63 29,26 
21. 35 16.61 
"7.00 21.24 
6.89 Free. 
40.00 10. 48 
40.00 | 35.00 
0.00 I 35.00 
0.00 35.00 
10. 00 35.00 
40. 00 | 35.00 
cn mmmmnmnmnsnenpm isos) 250) 24. 62 
§ 297 (RF 
~ Eh 
5 022. 8% 
X), 308, REQ 
dium not available. 
: for chromium and vana 
ety num estimated. Data 
Sed. duty based on pounds imported in 1028 value not shown separately. Adjustment for tungsten and molybde: A —————— 
J S = S$ » 
- Si pip ys tin iin) mputation. Statistics for other than carbon steel pens, dutiable at 18 cen 
verage rate of du y (16.5 cents per gross) used for co . 
Imports not segregated. 
Included Shove with rifles and shotguns valued over $25 each, 
Cstimated addi ions] duty, fon in rates 
Imports of arts of pistols can 10% be segregated to show effect of reduction in r . aph 50 per cent. a 
Itiy estimateq that the rates under ac, of Tos would increase the total revenue of the wy Tp cent rates could not be aaa 1926. . ris of machines in par. 372 
J Average rate of duty (35 per cent) used for computation. Imports under 20 per cen to 72 per cent ad valorem eflectiv is which have been classified as pa 
! Rate on print rollers changed by presidentig] proclamation i Spore 2 amie and 897, nor for such of these too 
2 Separate statisties not available according to changes of classific aS 
3 Countervailing duty. 
‘ Includes countervailing dito

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