Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Act of] Act po 
1922 | 1930 
Imnorts, calendar vear 1928 
| Computed duties on 192¢ 
Rate of dut3 
Actual or com 
puted ad valo- 
rem rate 
Unit of 
Quantity | Value 
| Value per 
Act of 1922 | Act of 1030 
Act of 1922 
Act of 1930 
Act of Act of 
1922 1930 
Per ur cent 
30.00 40. 00 
25.00 25.13 
25.00 52.63 
30.00 40. 00 
30.00 40.00 
1401 .50la | Ashestos sod oe TRE eee. | Pound... 
1400 1501¢ Shingles, slate, wood, or lumber of asbestos: Go..rr | 
1401 1501c Coated... wag a 
1501 Not coated So iieeewoeo TTT, ’ 
tion 15018 Asbestos fabrics, woven, including brake and clutch linings and Te 
facings. Lo. i . 
1401 | 15012 Asbestos packing fabrie, including expanding block and cloth |-----do._. 
Braids, straw, chip, grass, ete.: ) 
Bleached, dyed, colored, or stained— 
A eee 
Manila, hemp... IIIT 
All OE op ak eet 
Willow sheets or square... ____TTTTTTTmTTmmmn 
Tats of straw, chip, ete., except sewed and harvest hats, 
blocked or trimmed-— 
ig) 1604 eee] Number... 
1406 Sr 
1430) 1504 Palm leaf. ______ ee 
i499) 1504 Other, n. e. See sist oe morons 
dats, bonnets, and hoods— 
1406 | 1504 Men's sewed straw hats, value at, $0.50 or less per dozen |.....40._-.-. 
effective May 14, 1995. 
1406 | 1504 Other sewed Bats oo ceeedooLolol 
5 Aw aume 
1407 | 1506 ee aad , 
1407 1506 Toothbrushes... Ie wis ws wm win 
1407 15068  Dther toilet PU tee onl meee 
1407 1506 Paint IR hoon mim mosemeee eee LH SOUR s [JOE 
1407 1506 Other rp omens senate eeedoo oo 
31 1506 Toothbrushes having pyroxylin handles... ITT TTTTITiI Gross.....- 
31 1506 | Handles of pyroxylin for ET 
1411 1510 | Agate i 
Cork stoppers: . 
112 1511 Over % inch in diameter at large end—made from natural — 
M12 | 1511 #4 inch or less in diameter at large end... __...d0...... 
Cork disks, wafers, and washers, over 34g inch in thickness: 
1412 | 1511 Made from natural cork bark. 1 CTC UORmess: wl Oninasase 
112 | 1611 Made from artifical or Composition eork ITT TTTTTTITTIC do... 
Artifical, composition, or forupressed cork in slabs, blocks, or 
planks also in rods or sticks: 
1412 1511 In rough slabs, blanks, or planks._______ Lrsnsenn 
1412! 1511 | Granulated or ground ork Tee do... 
uz | 1511 i 
wiz | 1511 | cork eee Square feet... 
1412 1511 Manufaetures of cork, n. 5. p, eee Pound... 
1 B13 Dolls composed of products from Paragraph 31 (movable parts)... - 
Dolls, Somposed of products from Paragraph 31 (not movable 
Tirectackers, more than 34 jnch in diameter or 134 inches long ®. 
atehes in boxes containing not more thay 100 matches per box... 
Hatches in other packages tontaining more than 100 matches eacl 
lair seating and press cloth, ng py 77 “TU malcieseac 
Jose and half hose vii aa 
mbroideries of imitation horsehair, ~~ T7177 "Tne 
imbroideries, wearing apparel of wool |___ 1 TTTTITTTTTImemn 
imbroidered blankets of WOOL ITT 
Smbroideries of yon... III 
imbroideries of gold ang I 
Vearing apparel of Wool, gloves, and mittens... _________ 
Jlax, ttm sme mmm em ee AE Sr 
Se SE mma rt 
Wearing apparel, embroidered: 
Br ST remeron reese wn 
Flax, meneame ere serene een ee 
Other articles, embroidered, tamboured, etc.: 
Cotton, [| T, hwhoured, ele: - save 
iil swe 
meme mm etd 
Drawn work: 
QOD _ } 
Flax, elo. srevemenemeens 
er Snares cries one 
dandkerchiefs, embroidered, cotton (estimated 4 dozen to pound). | Poand .... 
Handkerchiefs, embroidered, silk] Dozen....... 
i i i . _ Tee, 
Hides and skins, raw—Cattle skins: Piece... 1, 064, 2 ) 6, 238, 029 [rrr 
1530 Dry or dry salted (over 12 POUR oreo (OE 2% a mn } 57.456. 285 nn “ree. 
B00 mm sem y Ut » 400, } 
1830 Wet salted (over 12 OUD) caresses ERE 254, 655, 588 Wien 
| 3uffalo hides: eco... 285, 091 } 1,621,852 .ocermenn- 
155 Dry or dry Salted. eee ound_ 205 ws ji : a sn) Free. 
21608 annua , : ) mmm 
1589 | 1530 | Wet SO == (Pound.....- 136, 671 ot wiki sopnriin date sre nok ayaa 
t nf G30 for 2: 
+ Includes toothbrushes having handles of byroxylin dutiable at 2 cents each vlus 50 er cent nndar ac 
'¥mnarte nat searacatod  Ratpg far 1020) nem re at 9% aantae nap meyer A 
$34,658 + 30 per cent.__....... | 40 percent... 
33,054 25 percent............ 1 cent per pound. ..... 
306,186 _...d0..cc-occuocan--o- ¥ cent per pound... 
14,187 30 per cent. ooocoeeoee| 0percent. .__...._.. 
4, 656  — esis rm am ms 
50,803 | 20 per cent__..___._..{ 25 percent. _.____..._. 
22, 056 | ee 
RTE TI... NS ———— 
8 387 | dO caminn smn ves OH mm 
$3.50 per dozen plus 50 . 
337,754 | 50 or 25 per cent. _.__. { aii y 1 49.96 
6,001 |..c..d0eee-- mmmmafreeee@O Ce cicceao id 50.00) 
9,885 |-een@0ue eee dO. 45.4 
538, 157 | 8 per cent............| $4 per dozen plus 60 | 88.00 
per cent. 
1,083,379 60 per cent__...___....; $4 per dozen plus 60 | 60.00 
per cent. 
2,704 15percent._........_.|25percent._____._.._.| 15.00 
378,990 45percent__...._.__..\1 i a plus 50 per | 45.00 
BIA splot SS 
74,542 ._..do_.l...___.___._|bOpercemt..___.__._.. 45.00 
65,006 oOo —oomocnafonoe Oa] 45.00 
291,374 , 60 per cent... 0 a plus 50 per | 60. 00 
33, 565 [rode cere 1 Oot nels plus 50 per | 60.00 
742,931 | 15 per cent_.._._.__...| 134 cents per line per | 15.00 
gross plus 25 per cent. 
51, 663 | 20 cents per pound.... 25 cents per pound. ... 
104,972 | 25 cents per pound... 31 cents per pound.___| 
1,642 20 cents per pound____, 15percent_____._.____ 
343 10 cents per pound_.. 4 cents per pound... 
159. 20 
25. 00 
50. 00 
101. 07 
56. 32 
49. 87 
169. 88 
18. 50 
25. 85 
30. 60 
60. 00 
Al. 00 
G5 150 ' 6 cents per pound. ..__| 10 cents per pound.... 
189 376 25percent__..........; 1 and 3 cents per 
670,866 | 1,374,073 | 30 per cent.....__..._. 2% Cents per board 
16,348 46,662 |----d0.ococcocee....| 6 and 10 cents per 
86, 512 120, 787. | onosl0s vn guns swmininod U5 POT OO wom ose mony 
94, 107 266,457 | 60 percent. ..oeoo..--f 1 £0 plus 60 per 
a4, 107 250,770 oo o_d0...._eeoo-_-...| 1 cent each plus 50 per 
, cent. 
349, 654 1,002,668 8 cents per pound_....; “5 cents per pound... 134.20 
441, 570 1,103,925 8 cents per gross boxes_| 20 cents per gross boxes 53.87 
250 916 3{-cent per thousand. .| 234 cents per thousand. 5.86 
11,175 15,771 58 par ant. cnnuinaionn] A) OTTER emo simm 40.00 
104, 283 125, 140 | 75 per cent. .......| 90 percent... 90.1) 
3, 268 of EN Sh 90.02 
271, 286 328, 536 eee ne e@Oa ooo eee fine Demme 90. 00 
34, 245 41,095 |oace dO oncaeid 90. 00 
18,632 220358 {0mm oem mfomen Jemma 90. 00 
34, 200 41,148 | ooo d0nmenocieoeee AO 90. 00 
11, 667 HE 1 vn A0iiccimmimmmmmne|nn mma Bummmymen 90. 00 
501,776 BI 182 a Anse swisimssfusnn i Qlummmmms monn mmm 90. 00 
202, 636 243,168 "ee Q0ua iene BO eee 90. 00 
67, 641 81,160 oo 0mm] mee On - 90. 00 
611,810 734,172 [oon eae@Oueeiaineeaees 75.000 90.00 
164, 606 197,627 |. oo QO ccc cen QO 75.00 90. 00 
2,126,479" 2,551,775 1oooo.0. ocean |omendO 75.00 90. 00 
833,979 | 1,000,775 Joes oreo. T5.00 | 90.00 
3, 949, 480 4780, 8078 1 er AB ciiiiiiin  womefuns wills sn smn ne 75.00 | 90. 00 
1, 154, 009 PBR BY AO emavssssinsnsuni mwas veeunnnnnunman T0000 90, 00 
9,324 11,189 {ooo dOumame meee doc Ao feeee. 75.00 | 90.00 
© 3,813 4,576 rani cammetamansiaacfnoncny Jo www (500 90. 00 
13,116 15,739 |. oo @0ceeccccee ofeaee Oleic 75.00 90. 00 
816, 216 1,076,239 |... dO. o.oo... 3centseach plus40per 756.00 08. 89 
| cent; 4 cents each 
| plus 40 per cent. | 
169, 872 228,425 | 75 per cent..... 4 ‘cents each plus 40 ' 75.00 | 100.85 
' per cent. 
623,803 | Free. ...--.occcoowon..| 10 percent........... Free. 10.00 
5 748, B29 Lown em sini nisnnunmn]onmm s Qc ommmmmmms wan Free. 10. 00 
162,185 |2ocea@0e—ammoccocvammnc|ocnan@0uccmecccancnan.] Free. | 10.00 
2638 |ocenn@O eee cieeieadeaaando. ——nu-{ Free. 10. 00

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