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Taxes: 2% Federal—Pa., Conn. Vt, Md,, D. of C., Va, N. H, 
Redemption: For Sinking Fund at 101—otherwise at 102 to 
1934 and 101 thereafter. 
Trustee: Central Hanover Bank and Trust Co., New York. 
Wm. B. May & Co........ 
S. W. Straus & Co... 
Assessed: 1930 . 
2 900.000 
Security: Fee estate in ground located on the north side of 
55th Street, 90 feet east of Park Avenue, 160 x 100.5, and 
the 22-story hotel erected thereon. Property now owned 
by Apperson Realty Corporation, a so-called “Hearst” prop- 
Earnings: No earning data given out. 
103 East 57th Street Building (Ritz Tower) 
(New York City) 
First Mortgage Fee 6% Serial Bonds 
Amount: $4,000,000; outstanding, $3,744,000. 
Dated: Nov. 10, 1924. 
Maturity: 1927-1941. 
Interest: May and Nov. 10th. 
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Pa., Conn., Md., D. of C., Va. 
Redemption: 102. 
Trustee: Nicholas Roberts. 
Assessed: 1930 .......... ceiseraereraan. $4,700,000 
Security: Fee estate in plot of ground 10,247 sq. ft. in area, 
located on the north side of East 57th Street, and the 30- 
story apartment hotel erected thereon, street numbers 103- 
113 East 57th Street, known as Ritz Towers. The property 
adjoining on both east and west, is under control, through 
lease or ownership, and easements of light and air are 
thereby protected to this property. Property now owned 
by the William Randolph Hearst interests. 
Earnings: No earning data given out. 

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