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Boston Parcel Post Station 
First Mortgage 5%% 1935 Sinking Fund Bonds 
Amount: $1,250,000. 
Dated: January 1, 1928. 
Due: October 1, 1935. 
Interest: April and October 1st. 
Denomination: $1,000, $500 and $100. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Calif., Conn., D. C.,, Iowa, Kas., Ky., Mary- 
land, Mass., Mich., Penn., Va. 
Redemption: 102 to Oct., 1931; thereafter 101. 
Trustee: The Chemical National Bank of New York. 
Appraised: F. J. Bachelder & Co. substantially in excess of 
Security: Fee estate in plot approximately 40,000 square feet— 
half a city block, bounded on three sides by Burlington 
Avenue, Boston and Albany R. R. right-of-way, and Over- 
land Street, served with special sidings, and facilities for 
handling U. S. parcel post mail, in the full five-story building, 
with loading platform and basement. 
Earnings: Property leased to U. S. Government for term be- 
yond bond-maturity, at annual rental of $129,000. Maximum 
interest charges $73,750. 
The Oliver Cromwell 
(New York City) 
First Fee 6% Serial Bond Certificates 
Amount: $1,800,000; retired, $15,000; outstanding, $1,785,000. 
Dated: November 15, 1927. 
Maturities: On November 15th in the years 1930 to 1939. 
Interest: May and November 15th. 
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Penn., Conn. Vt., Md., D. of C, Va., New 
Hampshire, Massachusetts. 
Redemption: 102 to 1933; thereafter 10135. 
Trustee: Central Union Trust Company of New York. 

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