Full text: Hours and earnings of men and women in the hosiery industry

The occupational classifieation for full-fashioned and for seamless 
hosiery manufacture has been kept separate even for plants where 
both types of hosiery were maufactured. The occupational classifica- 
tion varied most in the knitting processes, as the finishing processes 
are similar for both types of hosiery. The occupations peculiar to 
full-fashioned hosiery manufacture are the knitting processes, foot- 
ing, legging, and the so-called knitting helpers. Occupations found 
exclusively in seamless hosiery manufacture are rib knitting, string 
knitting, pressing, raveling, separating tops, and splice cutting, The 
occupational classifications eommon to both types of hosiery manu- 
facture are boarding, dyeing, examining, looping, machine fixing, 
maintenance, mending, packing, pairing, seaming, sorting, topping, 
winding, and other. In ‘‘other’’ are included miscellaneous occupa- 
tions such as shipping and floor help. 
Geographical distribution 
The manufacture of hosiery, carried on for the most part in the 
eastern section of the state, tends to concentrate in Philadelphia county 
where 36 per cent of all hosiery plants in the state and 45 per cent 
of the workers are located. Berks county is the next most important 
center, with 23 per cent of the plants and 28 per cent of the employes. 
The county areas, used in this study as a basis for geographical 
classification, were selected because of their importance both as manu- 
facturing and as market centers, Table 3 shows the proportion of 
plants and employes studied in each district * 
Table 8. Hosiery Plants and Emvloyes by Geographical District 
Geographical district 
Philadelphia county ......____..____ 
Berks county ae... 
Northampton county oo... 
Other counties —ammce reenter ee——— 
TOtAl eo 
In atntate 
Number of plants ) Number of employes 
Tn state** In study 
| 14 
45 495 
The full-fashioned hosiery industry is centered in Philadelphia, and 
more than one-half of the full-fashioned hosiery plants considered in 
this study were located in this area. Table 4 gives the distribution of 
the hosiery plants studied by type of product and geographical lo- 
ee eee — em 
*The Industrial Directory does not elagsity hosiery plants by type of product. - 
possible, therefore, to show the proportion of full-fashioned and seamiens Bi Slants 
studied to the number of full-fashioned and seamless hosiery plants in the state. 
“Pennsylvania Industrial Directory. 1928

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