Full text: Hours and earnings of men and women in the hosiery industry

This analysis of the hours of work and the earnings of over 10,000 
men and women engaged in the manufacture of hosiery, a study 
representing nearly one-fourth of the hosiery workers and more than 10 
per cent of the hosiery plants in the state, brings out the following 
1. The pay period studied, the week of June 15, 1928, was a 
practically normal period in the hosiery industry for the year. 
More than one-third of the men and one-hglf the women in full- 
fashioned hosiery plants had scheduled hours of 48 or less. 
More than one-third of the men had scheduled hours of 54 or 
more; only five per cent of the women had scheduled hours of 
54. In seamless hosiery, one-third of the men and more than 
one-fourth of the women were scheduled to work 48 hours or 
less and approximately one-third of both men and women had 
a scheduled work-week of 54 hours. 
In the full-fashioned hosiery industry the actual weekly hours of 
one-fifth of the men and one-half the women were 48 or less. 
Only about one per cent of both men and women worked a 
54 hour week but more than one-half the men worked more than 
54 hours. In the seamless hosiery industry the actual hours of 
work were shorter. More than half the men and more than 
three-fourths of the women worked 48 hours or less. Less than 
one-fourth of the men in this branch of the industry had a 
work week of 54 hours or more and only a negligible proportion 
of the women worked 54 hours. 
Not quite one-half the men and a little more than one-third 
of the women in full-fashioned hosiery worked their full-time 
scheduled hours. Men had more overtime work than women, 
approximately 20 per cent of the men as compared to seven per 
cent of the women worked overtime. One-third of the men and 
more than one-half of the women worked less than their 
scheduled hours. 
In the seamless hosiery industry slightly more than one-third of 
the men and slightly less than one-third of the women worked 
their regular scheduled hours. Approximately one-fourth of 
the men worked overtime and nearly three-fourths of the women 
worked undertime. 
‘Weekly earnings were higher in the full-fashioned than in the 
seamless hosiery industry. 
Median weekly earnings were from $12 to $14 higher for men 
than for women in full-fashioned and seamless hosiery re- 

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