Full text: Almanach d'adresses de la Chambre de Commerce, d'Industrie et de Métier `a Zagreb

Index to trades 
Manfrs. — Manuwfactories; Imp. — Import; 
Abattoir engineers, 
Imp. 185 
\cetate, Exp. 114 
Acetate. Manfrs. 55 
Acetuawne, Munfrs, 55 
\cetone oil, Exp, 111 
Acetone oil Manfrs., 55 
\iceton and aceto- 
ne oll, Exp. 114 
icorn and gall- 
nuts, Exp. 94 
\eeumulator acid, 
Mantfrs. 59 
Manfrs, TE 
lead. Expr. 119 
agents 226 
igeuyts. house. land 
& estate. 227 
igencies of foreign 
shipping com- 
panies 223 
igents of exehan- 
ge 219 
igents. Toll. 219 
Agents shipping 221 
igricultural imple- 
ments. lmp. 182 
agricultural machi- 
neries, Imp. 189 
agricultural machi- 
neries. Manfrs. 74 
ilealoides. Imp. 147 
\leohol, Exp. 99 
Aleohol. Manfrs. 26 
ilpvaca goods. 
imp. 184 
\luminium, Imp. 14 
\lumimnium vessels, 
[mp. 189 
imerican white ce- 
inent. Imp. 145 
amnonia. Imp. 117 
4mmonia sulphate. 
Manfrs. 595 
ammunition, Imp, 209 
\nimal hairs, 
Exp 121 
Animall vacecines. 
Exp 115 
Animal vaecines. 
Manfrs. + 50 
Antifriction metal, I 
Inp. 108 
\ntifriction metal, 
Manfrs. 68 
intimony. Imp. 10% 
Anvils. Imp. 186 
Apparatus for cattle. 
ExpP. 119 
Apparatus for cattle, 
Imp. 178 
irmatures., Imp. 178 
\rmatures, Manfrs, 068 
Arsenie. Imp. 147 
4Artieles of clay. 
Artif. flowers. 
Artif, leather, 
Imp. 137 
4Artif  ssalk. Iimp. 109 
Artificial stones, 
Manfrs. 39 
Ashestos flooring., 
Imp. 145 
Asphalte. Imp. 
145, 1417 
Asphalte  Manfrs, 50 
Automatic pencils, 
Exp. 122 
Automobile oils, 
i Automobils. Iimp, 
\ Axle grease. 
Axle grease oil. 
Exp. ==> Export; 
\xle oil. Manfrs, 66 
Axles. Imp. 188 
Babv earriage. 
Manfrs. qu1 
Bags of paper, 
Mamfrs. 91 
Bags of paper. 
Exp_ 113 
Dakers" machineries, 
Imp. 188 
Bakers ovens and 
Manfrs. Ti 
Ball bearings. 
Imp. 189 
Banks and sawings 
banks 211 
Đarbers supplies. 
Imp. 205 
Barlev. Exp. s? 
Barlev o linp. 126 
Barrels (Casks). 
Exp. A9 
Barrels. Mantfrs. v 
DBaskets works. 
Manfrs. 9 
Batteries. Manfrs, 7 
Bauxite  Exp. 118 
Bauxite mines 21 
Jeans  Exp. 85 
DBeans. Imp. 125 
Bed feathers. 
Bed feathers 
Imp. 209 
Beer. Exp. 98 
eer. Imp 133 
Beer. Manfrs 24 
Beeswax. Exp. 89 
Bells, Exp. 120 
Bells, Manfrs. ri 
Beltings. Imp. 137 
Beltings of leathier. 
Manfrs. 27 
Bensol. Exp. 114

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