Full text: Through the dark continent or the sources of the Nile, around the great lakes of Equatorial Africa and down the Livingston River to the Atlantic Ocean

Back in camp—An epidemic of small-pox—Panic of desertion—Kalulu s disloyalty 
—Livingstone’s lenience—Imaginary terrors—Hairdressing ad absurdnm 
Rnanga’s opinion of white men—A village sketch—The villagers of Uhombo 
—In puris naturalibw— A touch of human nature—On Livingstone s traces 
—What is there in feathers ?—The Manyema ; their life and manners—Our 
ass astonishes the natives^Bloodless wars—Nicknames—A tribe with beards 
but no wives—The confluence of the Luama and the Livingstone .« .« •• 
At a swinging pace—Tippu-Tib, the Arab trader—News of Cameron and his 
difficulties—The river that flows North for ever—In Dwarf-land, fighting 
the dwarfs—Tippu-Tib’s conditions—Friends in council—Heads or tails— 
Kalnlu’s accident at Nyaugwó—Its residents and market—A muster of the 
Expedition .. 
Tippu-Tib’s henchmen—In the primeval forest, a wilderness of trees—Primitive 
furniture—Our sufleiings in the pagans’ forest—Tippu-Tib breaks down— 
A Tillage blacksmith—Soko skulls; the missing link—Professor Huxley’s 
opinion thereof—The Livinootone—A day dream—The road to the ocean— 
Timid counsels— “ The Wasambye 1” — “ Ooh-hu 1 ooh-hu !” —Successful 
“ Mama, the Wasambye ! ”—The fight in the Ruiki—The lost found—Dangerous 
disobedience—In the nick of time—A savage captive—Music hath charms— 
In the haunts of Nature—A town of one street—Deserted villages—Organising 
a hospital—An island wasted by lightning—“The people of the filed teeth”— 
Primitive salt-making—Hostages captured—At close quarters Raining 
arrows—“ Bo-bo, bo-bo, bo-bo-o-o-oh 1 A desperate affair and opportune 
reinforcements—Cutting the canoes adrift—Tippu-Tib deserts me My 
appeal to the “sea children "—Christmas Day among the cannibals— 
“ Victory or death 1” *' 
Farewell to Tippu-Tib—Attacked from both banks—The fat savage makes a bad 
shot at me—In the home of the elephants—Insect life—In covert—The Lowwa 
river—A storm on the river—Now year’s day—Bullets against spears 
“ Sennenneh I ’’—Tempting the female mind—The reward of a good deed— 
A river armada : crocodile boats—Betwixt cataracts and cannibals .• ••

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