Back in camp—An epidemic of small-pox—Panic of desertion—Kalulu s disloyalty
—Livingstone’s lenience—Imaginary terrors—Hairdressing ad absurdnm
Rnanga’s opinion of white men—A village sketch—The villagers of Uhombo
—In puris naturalibw— A touch of human nature—On Livingstone s traces
—What is there in feathers ?—The Manyema ; their life and manners—Our
ass astonishes the natives^Bloodless wars—Nicknames—A tribe with beards
but no wives—The confluence of the Luama and the Livingstone .« .« ••
At a swinging pace—Tippu-Tib, the Arab trader—News of Cameron and his
difficulties—The river that flows North for ever—In Dwarf-land, fighting
the dwarfs—Tippu-Tib’s conditions—Friends in council—Heads or tails—
Kalnlu’s accident at Nyaugwó—Its residents and market—A muster of the
Expedition ..
Tippu-Tib’s henchmen—In the primeval forest, a wilderness of trees—Primitive
furniture—Our sufleiings in the pagans’ forest—Tippu-Tib breaks down—
A Tillage blacksmith—Soko skulls; the missing link—Professor Huxley’s
opinion thereof—The Livinootone—A day dream—The road to the ocean—
Timid counsels— “ The Wasambye 1” — “ Ooh-hu 1 ooh-hu !” —Successful
“ Mama, the Wasambye ! ”—The fight in the Ruiki—The lost found—Dangerous
disobedience—In the nick of time—A savage captive—Music hath charms—
In the haunts of Nature—A town of one street—Deserted villages—Organising
a hospital—An island wasted by lightning—“The people of the filed teeth”—
Primitive salt-making—Hostages captured—At close quarters Raining
arrows—“ Bo-bo, bo-bo, bo-bo-o-o-oh 1 A desperate affair and opportune
reinforcements—Cutting the canoes adrift—Tippu-Tib deserts me My
appeal to the “sea children "—Christmas Day among the cannibals—
“ Victory or death 1” *'
Farewell to Tippu-Tib—Attacked from both banks—The fat savage makes a bad
shot at me—In the home of the elephants—Insect life—In covert—The Lowwa
river—A storm on the river—Now year’s day—Bullets against spears
“ Sennenneh I ’’—Tempting the female mind—The reward of a good deed—
A river armada : crocodile boats—Betwixt cataracts and cannibals .• ••