Full text: Labour, leisure and luxury

ing results still remain with the labourer—more 
power and superior skill (which is aptitude for 
performing again the same work more easily 
and successfully) remain with the members of 
the body which have been exercised ; keener 
intellect from the exercise of the mental facul 
ties ; superior morality with the striving soul. 
Labour, under whatever name known, is the 
only means of human improvement. 
Idleness or sloth, the attempt—and it can 
be no more than an attempt—to evade the 
universal law of labour, is only a short pause, 
during which all that is good in humanity is 
rotting, and evil powers are germinating which 
will soon spring up and urge to fearful activity ; 
just as the same water which, when flowing 
along in its river coursp/an emblem of the beau 
tiful and joyously free, cherishes the noble vege 
tation of trees and flowers, confers upon its 
country health and wealth, and bears the gallant 
ships that pass thereby ; when stagnating in the 
level marsh .seems at first quiescent, then fosters 
every dank and putrid thing, and spreads un 
wholesome malarious vapours over earth s sur 
face. Sloth is a part of that sinister bent which 
pervades the whole character of fallen man,

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