Full text: Warehouses in foreign countries for storage of merchandise in transit or in bond

houses till it. is taken out. It guarantees that its workmen and 
employees will be acceptable to the custom-house authorities. It is 
responsible for the care and preservation of goods warehoused, except 
the damage and waste arising from their inherent nature or condition. 
Thje company can not be held responsible for damage or waste of 
goods which, (1) not intended for warehousing, are not taken away 
from the quays the day of their verification or inspection by the cus 
toms officials; (2) having been withdrawn from the warehouse, have 
not been removed from the uncovered courtyards the day of their 
verification or inspection by the custom-house. In case the inspection 
of merchandise (except wood or metals) by the custom-house officials 
is finished just before the closing of the gates, so that it is impossible 
to take away the goods, the company will assume charge for the night 
only, at a tariff of 3 centimes (0.579 cent) per 100 kilograms (220.46 
pounds). Merchandise can not be shifted in the warehouses without 
permission of the owners. 
The company will receive for storage goods which have been landed 
elsewhere than in its docks, or goods which have been stored in private 
warehouses. A notice must be sent to the company forty-eight hours 
before the merchandise is delivered. It must give the name and flag 
of the vessel in which the goods were imported, the number of pack 
ages, their value, and, as near as possible, the weight of the merchan 
dise. The company will not be responsible for the quantities declared 
nor for the weights of the goods which have not been weighed and 
escorted by the custom-house officials. The company will, at the 
expense of the owner of the goods, repack packages which are not in 
proper condition to be received at the warehouse. 
The different services which the company will perform in connec 
tion with the reception and discharge of merchandise are grouped in 
several classes to conform with the official tariff. They consist in 
breaking out cargo from the holds of vessels, discharging, transport 
ing from the quays to the covered courts or warehouses, and storing, 
weighing, sorting the packages according to their origin and marks, or 
classifying them according to the customs tariff, separating damaged 
goods, furnishing detailed lists of weights to those concerned, in case 
of an arbitration arranging the goods for the arbitrators, rebaling, 
repacking, and recoopering packages, supplying the material for and 
ballasting ships, loading and storing cargoes, and carting, delivery, 
and lighterage of goods. 
In addition, the company will attend to all the formalities required 
by the custom-house and octroi officials in connection with merchan 
dise to be stored in or shipped from the bonded warehouses, and will 
settle questions of freight and other matters which may arise between 
the captains of vessels and consignees. 
The charges for all the above services are made according to a fixed 
tariff approved by ministerial decree The charges, except those for 
repacking and recoopering, are per 100 kilograms (220.40 pounds)- 
per hectoliter (2.84 bushels or 20.42 gallons), per number, or per 
1,000 francs ($193) of value, without fractions, and calculated upon

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