of our upstanding pins as possible. In this
way, also, the equipoise of our investment
risks will remain undisturbed.
For very large amounts of capital, more
than the ten suggested Geographical Divisions
may be made by means of further sub
divisions, care being taken always to secure
a well-balanced distribution. At the end of
Chapter VII. of this book will be found an
extended list of all the principal Stock
Exchanges of the world, showing the main
divisions under which they fall, and in each of
which it is possible to find stocks that are
mainly or wholly controlled by its own market
In addition to the division of the earth’s
surface into contrasted trading centres, it will
be seen from the coloured map that we have
included a tenth division, which bears an
international aspect. In this division we
include all the undertakings or concerns
which trade between nations, like Shipping
Companies, Marine Insurance Companies
and Cable Companies. This is an extremely
important division and it should be repre
sented in every Investment List where the
smallness of the capital sum precludes
the investor from achieving a world-wide dis
tribution. The reasons for always investing a