Full text: Investment, an exact science

predicament ; whilst with a Geographically 
Distributed Investment List an investor does not, 
and cannot, find himself so disadvantageously 
To the speculator, of course, as well as to 
the investor, the advantages of Geographical 
Distribution open a very wide vista ; here, 
however, we are only concerned with the 
welfare of the investor. A properly distri 
buted Geographical Investment List is the 
first and only practical investment scheme 
which has ever been placed before the 
public. With the aid of Geographical 
Distribution, safety of investment in stocks 
and shares is reduced to a mathematical 
problem, which is solved by means of a 
simple set formula, which never varies. 
To carry out the construction of an Invest 
ment List, in accordance with the system of 
Geographical Distribution, is a matter in 
which the investor will be glad of some 
assistance. In order to meet his require 
ments, the publishers of this book also publish 
an Investor's Year Book, in which all the 
stocks included therein are classified geographi 
cally, their width of fluctuation is tabulated, 
and the past history of their respective 
dividend-earnings and yields is clearly set 
forth. When an investor has once got his

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