Full text: Trade unionism in the United States

Structurally and functionally the employers’ associa 
tions offer a striking parallelism to the trade union or 
ganizations. In point of structure there is, paralleling 
the local craft or compound craft and national union of 
the workers, the local craft or compound craft and na 
tional employers’ association. The Chicago Team Own 
ers’ Association and the National Stove Founders’ De 
fense Association are illustrations. As a counterpart to 
similar trade unions, there are local, state and national 
federations of employers, as, for example, the Chicago 
Employers’ Association, the Illinois Manufacturers’ As 
sociation, and the National Association of Manufactur 
ers. Where the unions have developed an industrial 
type of organization, the employers have their local, dis 
trict or national industrial associations. The local News 
paper Publishers’ Association, the Illinois Coal Opera 
tors, and the Interstate Coal Operators are in point. Fi 
nally, as a counter-organization to the general labor un 
ion, there are general alliances and citizens’ associations. 
Similarly, from the standpoint of function, business 
unionism is paralleled by a type of employers’ associa 
tion, represented by the Stove Founders’ Defense Asso 
ciation above referred to, which aims at collective bar 
gaining and the stability of conditions obtained through 
it. The National Civic Federation, although not strictly 
an employers’ association but generally regarded as such, 
is a counterpart to uplift unionism. Militant employers’ 
associations, extremely conservative and bitterly opposed 
to unionism, are the “revolutionary” type among em 
ployers. The Metal Trades’ Association is one of this 
group. And, lastly, there are predatory employers’ as 
sociations, as there are predatory unions to be found in 
the building trades.

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