Full text: The enemy's trade and British patents

“ Provided that these our Letters Patent are on this 
“ condition, that if at any time during the said term it he 
“ made to appear to us that this our grant is contrary to 
“ law or prejudicial or inconvenient to our subjects in 
“ general, or that the said invention is not a new invention 
“as to the public use and exercise thereof within our 
“ United Kingdom, or that the said patentee is not the 
“ first and true inventor thereof within this realm, these 
“ our Letters Patent shall forthwith determine and be void 
“ to all intents and purposes, notwithstanding anything 
“ hereinbefore contained : PROVIDED ALSO, that if 
“ the said patentee shall not pay all fees by law required 
“ to be paid in respect of the grant of these Letters 
“ Patent, or in respect of any matter relating thereto 
“ at the time or times, and in manner for the time being 
“ by law provided ; and also if the said patentee shall 
“ not supply, or cause to be supplied, for our service all 
“ such articles of the said invention as may be required 
“ by the officers or commissioners administering any 
“ department of our service in such manner, at such 
“ times, and at and upon reasonable prices and terms 
“ as shall be settled in manner for the time being by law 
“ provided, then, and in any of the said cases, these our 
“ Letters Patent, and all privileges and advantages 
“ whatever hereby granted shall determine and become 
“void notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained. 
“ PROVIDED ALSO that nothing herein contained shall 
“ prevent the granting of licences in such manner and for 
“ such considerations as they may by law be granted : 
“ AND lastly, We do by these presents for us, our heirs, 
“ and successors, grant unto the said patentee that these 
“ our Letters Patent shall be construed in the most 
* “ beneficial sense for the advantage of the said patentee.” 
It will thus be seen that although the grant is made and 
the inventor may be truly entitled to it, if it is inconvenient 
°r presses injuriously upon the public, then, notwithstanding 
such invention would presumably never have been known to 
the public but for the efforts of the inventor, the grant is to 
cease and the Letters Patent become void, so that others may

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