Full text: The enemy's trade and British patents

Board of Trade have determined to make such order as herein 
after appears. 
Now Therefore the Board of Trade in exercise of the 
powers conferred upon them by the Patents, Designs and 
Trade Marks (Temporary Rules) Acts 1914 and the Rules 
made thereunder and of all other powers enabling them in 
this behalf do hereby Order that the said Letters Patent No. 
of shall unless and until the Board of Trade 
shall otherwise Order be suspended so far as regards end in 
favour of the said 
Provided Always that this Order is made upon the terms 
that an Indenture of Licence and Agreement in the form set 
forth in the schedule hereto is entered into by and between 
the Board of Trade and the said 
(hereinafter called the Licensee) and so that unless and until 
such Indenture is duly executed the suspension hereby ordered 
is not to take effect or be operative 
Provided Also that nothing in the said Indenture shall 
interfere with or limit the power of the Board of Trade to at 
any time revoke the suspension of the said Letters Patent 
hereby ordered, in any of the following cases :— 
If :— 
(i) The Board of Trade shall be of opinion that this 
Order was obtained by any misrepresentation (whether 
intentional or not) or was made by the Board of Trade 
without full knowledge of material facts or 
(ii) It shall in the opinion of the Board of Trade be to 
the public interest that this Order should be revoked or 
(iii) The Licensee shall request the Board of Trade 
to revoke this Order or 
(iv) A Licence to make use exercise and vend the 
aforesaid patented invention within the United King' 
dom upon such terms as the Board of Trade shall 
consider to be reasonable is offered to the License® 
by the Patentee or other the persons for the time being 
entitled to the benefit of the said Letters Patent. 
Dated this day of 1914. 
to the Board of Trade.

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