Full text: The enemy's trade and British patents

of the expiration or determination of this Licence deliver to 
the Board of Trade a statement in writing showing the amount 
then payable by the Licensee in respect of the aforesaid 
The Licensee shall during the continuance of this Licence 
furnish or procure to be furnished all such information as 
the Board of Trade may consider to be material for the purpose 
of ascertaining the amount of royalty payable by the Licensee 
under this Licence and/or the cost of producing or procuring 
the patented articles and/or the price or prices charged by 
the Licensee for the said articles and for that purpose shall 
if requested by the Board of Trade permit or procure per 
mission to he given to such person or persons as may be autho 
rised in that behalf by the Board of Trade at any time or times 
to enter upon and inspect any factory or place of business in 
which the manufacture of patented articles shall be carried 
on by or for the Licensee at any reasonable hour : 
Trading with the Enemy Act, 1914. 
An Act to make provision with respect to penalties for 
Trading with the Enemy, and other purposes connected 
therewith. [18th September 1914] 
Be it enacted by the King’s most Excellent Majesty, by 
and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and 
Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, 
and by the authority of the same, as follows :— 
Penalties for Trading with Enemy. 
1.—(1) Any person who during the present war trades or 
has, since the fourth day of August nineteen hundred and 
fourteen, traded with the enemy within the meaning of this 
Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanour, and shall—- 
(a) on conviction under the Summary Jurisdiction Acts, be 
liable to imprisonment with or without hard labour 
for a term not exceeding twelve months, or to a 
fine not exceeding five hundred pounds, or to both 
such imprisonment and fine ; or 
(b) on conviction on indictment, be liable to penal servitude 
for a term not exceeding seven or less than three

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