Full text: The enemy's trade and British patents

The misapprehension that exists concerning much of the 
legislation passed through Parliament, of necessity very rapidly, 
due to the conditions that arose from the state of war in which 
this country became suddenly involved, has been especially 
widespread in manufacturing and industrial circles relative 
to the British Patents and Trade-Marks that are owned, 
held and worked by citizens of Germany and Austria-Hun 
A common belief has unfortunately prevailed that the 
passing of the Acts relating to alien’s Patents were intended to 
confiscate the property of alien enemies for the benefit of 
British manufacturing interests, and that it was consequently 
open to any person so minded to forthwith take upon himself 
the full right and liberty of making in this country any article 
that had been covered by a Patent granted to an alien enemy 
without sanction of any authority, and without having to pay 
any royalty or consideration for that which was then being 
manufactured in accordance with the Patents that had been 
previously owned solely by the foreigner. 
The current impression that has been publicly discussed 
concerning all British Patents that are now owned by an 
enemy appears to be that any British subject should be free 
to ignore and violate such Patent rights by forthwith making 
and using the patented article without let or hindrance from 
any person or authority. The contention most peculiarly 
accepted as correct and moral is advanced, that because a 
German or other alien enemy happens to have received from 
the British Crown Royal Letters Patent protecting him equally 
vuth all other persons of whatever nationality who have

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