AGRICULTURAL AND TRADE DEVELOPMENT (UNITED KINGDOM, GERMANY AND UNITED STATES). 5 RETURN showing for the year 1913, or latest year available, and a year 20 years earlier, for the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States op America, the following Information, viz.:—(1) Cultivated area under principal and other crops; (2) Quantity of wheat, barley, oats, rye and potatoes produced ; (3) Quantity of pig-iron, crude steel and coal produced, and of pig-iron and coal consumed; (4) Value of imports, and exports (special trade), distinguishing separately “ raw materials ” and “ manufactures ” ; (5) Receipts from railway goods traffic, total and per mile of line; (6) Total estimated population at the middle of the year; showing also the percentage increase under each head between the two years specified {continued). III.—United States. In 1893.* In 1913.* Increase (+) or decrease ( —) in the interval. Amount. Proportion. 1. Area under cultivation : Acres. Acres. Acres. Per cent. Principal and other crops(a) - - 165,467,000 243,374,000 + 77,907,000 + 47 2. Quantity of wheat, barley, oats, rye and potatoes produced : Quarters. Quarters. Quarters. Wheat ... - 62,361,000 85,747,000 + 23,386,000 + 37 Barley ... ■ - 9,312,000 26,281,000 + 16,969,000 + 182 Oats --- - - 65,683,000 166,539,000 +100,856,000 + 154 Rye --- - - 3,580,000 4,187,000 + 607,000 + 17 Tons. Tons. Tons. Potatoes ... - 4,196,000 10,925,000 + 6,729,000 + 160 fi. (i) Quantity of pig-iron, crude steel and coal produced: Pig-iron ... - 7,125,000 31,161,000 + 24,036,000 + 337 Crude steel ... - 4,020,000 32,760,000 + 28,740,000 + 715 Coal ... . 162,815,000 504,464,000 + 341,649,000 + 210 (ii) Quantity of pig-iron and coal available for consumption: Pig-iron ... - 7,154,000 31,039,000 + 23,885,000 + 334 Coal - - 161,136,000 482,423,000 + 321,287,000 + 199 4. Value of imports and exports (special trade) : .Tlisnd. £’s. Thsnd. £’s. Thsnd. £’s. Imports(Z))—Total - 177,035(d) 369,917(d) + 192,882 + 109 Of which : Raw materials _ 42,774(d) 127,567(d) + 84,793 + 198 Manufactures _ 74,279(d) 156,207(d) + 81,928 + 110 Exports(c)—Total - 173,131(d) 505,939(d) + 332,808 + 192 Raiv materials _ 51,518(d) 152,284(d) + 100,766 + 196 Manufactures - 37,293(d) 247,292(d) + 209,999 + 563 -5. Receipts from railway goods traffic £ £ £ Total - - 1 166,524,000(d) 409,427,000(d) + 242,903,000 + 146 Per mile of line - 1,025(d) 1,660(d) + 635 4- 62 6. Total estimated population at the Vo. No. No. middle of the year (e) - 1 66,349,000 97,028,000 + 30,679,000 + 46 * The figures printed in italics relate to the years 1802 and 1912, respectively. O) Includes wheat, barley, oats, buckwheat,' rye, maize, potatoes, flax (seed), cotton and tobacco (b) Net imports, i.e., total imports less re-exports. (c) Domestic exports. (rf) For years ended 30th June. (e) Population of continental United States only. A 0.83