INDUSTRIAL ORGANISATION 71 face. The lines of the painter are abstractions, and so are the “ rights ” of the lawyer when they are considered as limiting and dividing. What really “ limits ” is the limit of the limited object or the beginning of the other object continuous with it; but this is not limitation in the sense of restriction, it is a completion of the same kind of reality carried beyond the particular individual. Thus when men work together at using the resources of the world, the work of each is the carrying out of the work of the other. Juxtaposition is co-operation. The work of each is helped by the work of the other, so to speak, at his elbow. Ideally, industry is a joint enterprise of this kind ; but in fact it is not. The work of some is not only not helped, it is actually hindered by the work of others. The manual worker is dismissed and his tools lie idle sometimes because of those who are working at the distribution of finance ; the financier and organiser of industry is hindered by the inactivity of the worker. Again, the work of some is sometimes obstructed by the presence or close contact of those who are doing no work at all in this enterprise for using nature. If at a man’s elbow there stands another man taking up the free space, his presence obstructs the use of the worker’s arm. The owners of property have sometimes this effect. They do not use the resources they own, but they prevent others from using their abilities. And the effect upon workers is of two kinds. They are physically obstructive, but they are also the causes of psychological hindrances. To see a man standing idle while one is hard at work may make one unwilling to work. The mere existence of a class which does not join