122 CONSOLIDATION OF NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATIONS Doctor Wirris. This gives the tabulated results of some of the studies of foreign bank ln I simply submit it for what it is worth, merely illustrating the point I have just made that in branch- bank countries you do not have the evil that we have here. Mr. Chairman, that brings me practically to the close of what I have to say on the subject of branches. I have dealt merely with a few points that I think are rather essential, and I have omitted the discussion of the number of branches, the laws on the subject, etc., all of which, however, is contained in these volumes here. The Cnarrman. Before you take up another point—I am very much interested in what you say about chain banks. Apparently those things have come into existence in response to a feeling of need? Doctor WirLrLis. Yes. The CuarrmaN. They are an evil and consideration ought to be given to the possible checking of them. Doctor WirrLis. Yes. The Cuarrman. And if so, what could possibly be done in that direction? Doctor WiLris. Well, since you ask me a plain question, I will give you a plain reply. I think properly regulated, controlled branch banking is the remedy for chain banks, just as I think the proper supervision of the drink evil is the remedy for that rather than prohibition. The Cramrman. At this point the committee will take a recess until 1.45 o’clock.. (Accordingly, at 12.05 p. m., the committee took a recess until 1.45 p. m.) AFTER RECESS The hearing was resumed at 1.45 o'clock p. m., at the conclusion of the recess. STATEMENT OF DR. HENRY P. WILLIS (RESUMED) The CrarrMax. Mr. Willis, we will resume our hearing. Doctor WirLis. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen, before leaving the subject of branch banking, which was my second point, there is one matter that I should like to refer to with special reference to that por- tion of H. R. 2, which has to do with the control or regulation of branches. The Cuamrman. Before you go into that, I should like to say just this, that a number of gentlemen here, when we took our recess expressed to me a desire, from time to time, to ask questions in refer- ence to the policy and development of whatever subject you were touch- ing upon. Doctor WiLLis. Yes. The CHAIRMAN. And if it is not disagreeable to you, I would suggest to those present that if, at any stage of the testimony, any of You gentlemen have any questions to ask, simply step forward and touch me on the shoulder and I will see that the questions are asked. Doctor Wires. I shall be glad to answer any questions. The CuarryaN. Sometimes, if you can congregate the facts, when you come to read the record, it is a great deal easier than to have them scattered through separate pages.