Agriculture A Ghicur TRE is second to manufac- turing in the production of wealth in the Northwestern states. Improved land in farms increased from ten million acres, in 1900, to over twenty- seven and one-half million acres, in 1920; and the value of this land increased from five hundred and two million dollars in 1900 to three billion five hundred and seventy-eight million in 1920. Production increased from $65,298,613 in 1900 to $555,566,943 in 1920. The Northwest is primarily adapted to the production of livestock, cereals, forage and fruit, and there are yet undeveloped millions of acres of potentially productive land. In 1925 the Northwestern states pro- duced twenty-four per cent of the apples, twenty-three per cent of the wool, and seventeen per cent of the wheat crop of the United States. Seattle Chamber of Commerce