\ MANUFACTURERS RECORD * Epitome of Chart No. 4 THE QUESTION [^ what occupations are most of the 413,549 children 10-15 years of age in non-agricultural pursuits engaged? THE ANSWER GIVEN IN THIS CHART ACH industry employing 2000 or more children is listed. Thus we find that the coal mines employ 1.4 per cent of all the 10-15-year-old children in non-agricultural occupations. OBSERVATIONS Tu manufacturing and mechanieal industries which employ over 5000 children each are textiles, metal industries, clothing industries, food and shoe factories. Messengers, bundle clerks, office boys, newsboys combined total 14,085 more than the textile indus- try, and there are more newsboys than there are 10-15-year-old ehildren in any other manufaeturing indust rv IIT