CHAPTER III PARTIAL PROHIBITION AND ITS EFFECTS The Prohibition Movement in Canada—Local Option and Pro- hibition in Australia—Local Option and Prohibition in New Zealand— Prohibition in Sweden—Prohibition in Norway— Prohibition in Iceland—Prohibition Movements in Other Countries—Local Option in Scotland—General Conclusions. Tue PROHIBITION MOVEMENT IN CANADA. THE course taken by prohibition movements in our colonies and in other countries is most instructive and lluminating. Though we are fifty years or more behind some of the colonies in the evolution of our thought and practice, so far as it relates to prohibition, we ought to be able to learn from their experience the directions in which we are likely to progress, and if we have sufficient foresight, we ought to be able to avoid many of their mistakes. In Canada the prohibition movement has advanced further than in any other countries save the United States and Finland. Itbegan aslongago as 1855, when the Province of New Brunswick enacted a law pro- hibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors, but the measure was repealed within a year* In 1864 the *“ Dunkin Act ”’ was passed, which gave the countries, towns, and villages of Ontario and Quebec authority * For much of the information relating to prohibition in Canada [ am indebted to an article by the late Mr. B. S. Spence, * Alliance Year Book,” 1924, pp. 32-69. 39