FOOD AND ALCOHOL 161 lunch-time. The average number of errors made in the typings of the chief sets of observations are repro- duced graphically in Fig. 6. We see that Subject K, after she drank 367 c.c. of alcohol (13 ozs. of claret) without food, increased her typing errors from o-4 to 2'4, and she barely recovered her original typing skill in 4 hours. Also she increased the time taken for typing the test passage from 416 seconds to 464 Pe ———— _r TT S57¢ce. witn- susJecT kv out food | { f N wn 4 < 3+ 5 = SUB. ~% <. A FOO 5 6 : 1 la TIME OF EXPERIME In Fic. 6.—EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL TAKEN WITH AND WITHOUT FOOD. seconds. When she took the same quantity of claret at lunch-time her errors increased only from 0°3 to 10 and her typing time from 43 seconds to 45°5 seconds. Subject K was a moderate drinker, and not sus- ceptible to alcohol; but Subject B, who was practically an abstainer, reacted much more markedly. Four ozs. of sherry containing 22 c.c. of alcohol produced in her as much effect as the larger dose taken by Subject K. I1