WOMEN IN ILLINOIS INDUSTRIES 3 In all, 429 establishments, employing a total of 142,745 workers, were visited throughout the entire State. A very large proportion of the women actually covered by the survey (59.7 per cent) were employed in Chicago. This proportion, however, is a normal and representative one, for according to the census in 1920 almost one- half of all the people over 10 years of age who were gainfully employed in Illinois were located in Chicago; and 57.6 per cent of the gainfully employed women of the State were grouped in that one center. Ses one-third (35.1 per cent) of the workers employed in the plants visited were women or girls. It is to be expected that the propor- tion of women on the pay rolls of the NL visited would exceed that for the State as a whole. As the study was concerned primarily with facts relating to women in industry, those industries were included in which women constituted a relatively important part of the labor force. The women surveyed were employed in 31 manufacturing indus- tries, in stores, in laundries, and in hotels and restaurants. There were 14 industry groups in each of which more than a thousand women were reported. The 10 industries employing most of the women included arranged in the order of the number of women employees, are as follows: Electrical appliances; general mercantile establishments; jewelry, including clocks and watches; men's cloth- ing; boots and shoes; metal products; slaughtering and meat pack- ing; “other textiles’; printing and publishing; and knit goods.