SEMAINE D'ÉTUDE SUR LE ROLE DE L’ANALYSE ECONOMETRIQUE ETC. 1 the quantity demanded, y,, is a homogeneous linear stochastic function of the price, y;, and of an exogenous demand variable, x, ; the quantity supplied, y,, is a homogeneous linear stochastic function of the price, y;, and of an exogenous supply variable, x,; under free market conditions the quantity supplied is equal 0 the quantity demanded; and under price control the actual price is equal to the price fixed by the government, x;. In ts reduced form this system can be written as IL. I, In (IL.1), the a’s and b’s are demand and supply parameters, the e’s are disturbances and À is a number which takes the value 1 under free market conditions and o under conditions of price control. In terms of the diagram, the model consists of the first two equations in (II.1) and the purpose of the black box is to ensure the appropriate value of À at any time. If the model was established under free market conditions, it will operate initially with A =1. But if market conditions change to a state of price control, the black box must find this out and switch over to A=0. As indicated in the diagram, it does this by continuously comparing the price calculated by the model with the price actually charged in the real world. If they differ, it changes the value of A. For under free market conditions the actual price and the model price will be the same, but if price control is introduced, the two prices will, in general, diverge unless A =1 is changed to A=0. With this change, the actual price and the model price will be the same as long as price control persists. If, however, price control is abolished. "11 Stone - pag. . wf