SEMAINE D'ÉTUDE SUR LE ROLE DE L ANALYSE ECONOMETRIOUE ETC. 126 where Y, is gross national product, C, total consumption, and S, total savings. As to equilibrium relations, a typical case is the assumntion (25) where S, is saving and I, investment. Speaking generally, if the primary form of a VR- CC- or [D-system involves an accounting identity, an equivalent model can be constructed by interpreting the identity as a behavioural relation for one of the variables. For example, if the model involves the identity (24) and the two behavioural relations (26a-b) (27a-b) À IY > you x Wal A — 05174 “1%; ir cer Yo z,)=L, 1» we obtain (28a-b) S,=Y, C,=L,(z,) - Ly(Y,, z,)+v" witn and under general conditions the relations (24) and (26)-i.7 further imn!- (202-0 —~ gis LAP PE + EE 3 Liz, - Ly(Lylé,,, “5 -t Turning to equilibrium relations, for example (25), the si- tuation is fundamentally different. The model involves one behavioural relation for each of the variables that are subject to the equilibrium assumption, and the equilibrium is regarded as the result of corresponding changes in an equilibrating va- 2] Wold - pag. 15