excluded from the totals it is found that 22,598 adult operatives worked full-time out of 43,744 returned, the percentage in this case amounting bo 5166 as against 47-82 per cent. as stated in the table. In Ahmedabad there was little difference in the percentages for full-time attendance as between men and women. Among men, 7,157 out of 12,719 returned or 56°27 per cent. worked full-time, the corresponding figures for women being 1,677 out of 3,016 or 5560 per cent. 58. The figures in the main tables Nos. IV to VI are compiled by Departments. . The figures for the number of operatives working full time in each occupation group will be found in the detailed tables Nos. X and XII for Average Earnings for Bombay and Sholapur. The Bombay figures are in relation to 27 days in the month whereas the Sholapur figures cover the numbers of those working for a full working month of 27 days in one mill and of 26 days in the other mill. As peri- odic earnings have not been compiled for Ahmedabad for the reasons given in Chapter Il (paragraph 26) no separate figures have been given for the number of full time workers against different occupations, As it is of interest, however, to compare the figures of the numbers work- ing full time in relation to the numbers returned in the main occupations for men and women as between the three centres, separate figures were worked out for Ahmedabad for weavers and spinners (siders) among men, and for winders and reelers among women and these are set out in comparison with the figures for Bombay and Sholapur in the following table — Occupation Weavers (Men) Siders (Spinners) (Men Reelers (Women) Winders (Women) Jentre "Bombay .. Ahmedabad | _Sholapur ..| “Bombay ..| Ahmedabad .| _Sholapur .. “Bombay .. Ahmedabad Sholapur .. "Bombay | Ahmedabad .| Sholapur .. Total number of workers returned 11,758 4,582 1.500 5,268 1,604 4R92 2,044 429 280 4,633 635 260 Number working Full-time 8,625 2,273 214 269 802 209 413 213 66 1,101 344 | 70 Percentage of full-time workers to total returned 72-50 49-61 20-83 24-09 50-00 43-36 20-21 49-65 17-37 23-70 54-17 26-92 59. There are several striking features in the above table. The effects of the rotation of employment given to reelers and winders in Bombay are brought out at once when it is seen that only 23-70 per cent. of the winders and 20-21 per cent. of the reelers worked full time as against 45°12 per cent. in the case of the remaining 5,395 women employed in the selected Bombay mills. In Ahmedabad the percentages of those working full time to the number returned were 54 17 for wirders