B80 Modern Business Geography it north, and the express trains to distribute it, we see that by far the greater part of the cost of our bananas represents transportation. QUESTIONS, EXERCISES, AND PROBLEMS A. 1. How peach regions compare with apple regions. Peaches grow especially well in the three kinds of regions described as best for the production of apples. From Figure 60 name three peach- growing localities that belong under the first kind of region; three under the second ; and one extensive region and two small ones under the third. Peaches can also be grown profitably in regions so far to the south that the ‘crop ripens early enough to bring high prices in northern markets, because they arrive before those from other regions are ripe. Find two of these southern peach-growing regions. Peach trees are even more sensitive to spring frosts and severe winters than apple trees. Moreover, peaches require more sunshine. How do these conditions influence the position of the main peach-growing sec- tions in the United States, as compared with the apple-growing sections ‘Figs. 55, 60.) Peach growing in Europe is largely limited to southern France and to [taly.. On the basis of the maps of rainfall and temperature (Figs. 1, 17, 18), explain why Great Britain, Holland. and Germany are not important peach-growing countries. The grape industry. In some countries long sections of the schoolbooks are devoted to orapes. From Figure 61 decide which countries these are. On vour J B. 1. \ ~ J UNITED STATES PEACH PRODUCTION 1919 EACH DOT REPRESEN 0.000 BUSHELS Fie. 60. One half of our peach crop is erown in California, and one tenth in Georgia