TT op 3 > Modern Business Geography (B) TrabpE Routes AnD CITIES OF AFRICA Africa, like South America, makes its chief contribution to the world’s commerce through primary production. The cities, therefore, serve as huge warehouses where raw materials are collected, rather than as manufacturing centers. I. Make a table showing the approximate area of the following sections of Africa: (a) the deserts; (b) the great tropical forests; (c) the tropical grasslands ; (d) the regions with a temperate climate. Find some country in the temperate zone having an area somewhere near that of each of the four sections of Africa. How does the population of the four countries compare with that of Africa? CHier CI1TIES OF AFRICA AND THEIR APPROXIMATE POPULATIONS Cairo . . . . . . Alexandria . Johannesburg Cape Town . Algiers . . . Tunis . . . . . Durban (Port Natal) . Oran . . . . . . Morocco (Marakesh) . Khartum . . . , 1.065,000 573,000 325,000 240,000 226,000 186,000 180,000 150,000 149,000 124..000 Casablanca . . . .| Port Said . . . . Constantine . Tanta . . . Fez. . . . Omdurman . Port Elizabeth . Mansura . . . Tripoli. . . . Tangier 107,000 105,000 94,000 90,000 81,000 79,000 65,000 64,000 60,000 60.000 3. Divide the cities of Africa, as given in the table above, into two lists, — the seaports and the cities in the interior. Beside each city write the name of the country or colony in which it is situated. Location of the chief ports of Africa. A comparison of the coast line of Africa with that of North America or Europe shows great differences. The characteristics of the African coastal regions account in part for the number, size, and stage of development of the sea- norts. What portions of the continent have (a) a smooth, regular coast line; (b) swamps and dense forests; (c) mountains near the sea; (d) deserts; ‘e) deep rivers, navigable for many miles into the interior; (f) high tem- perature at all seasons; (g) a location near the commercial and industrial continents ? 5. How does each of these conditions influence the development of seaports? 6. How many of the seaports in the table given above are along the Mediter- ranean coast ? How do they compare in size with the seaports on the north coast of the Mediterranean p