300 Modern Business Geography ducers’ profit on the raw materials, but a manufacturers’ profit on the finished products. This plan would require the United States either to win from Europe the markets that Europeans now supply with z0ods made from our surplus raw materials, or to develop new markets. Both are difficult to do. Europe, through long experience, under- stands many foreign markets better than we do and has a great supply of skilled labor that is willing to work for lower wages than our own workmen. Moreover, Europe excels the United States in training her boys and girls for commerce and industry. On the other hand, it is very difficult to arouse a people like the Chinese so that they will provide a new market, even though this would be to their advantage. Nevertheless, a larger percentage of our population is turning to manu- facturing, and our exports of foodstuffs are relatively declining. Soon our industries will use a large part of the raw materials which we pro- duce, and Europe will have to look elsewhere for her supply. Great Britain as a market. Among individual European countries, Great Britain is by far the greatest market of the United States. Each year our total trade with her amounts to much more than one billion dollars. Great Britain takes a fifth or a sixth of our exports and sup- plies us with a twelfth of our imports. This enormous trade is handled by the largest and swiftest steamers of the world’s most important transportation lines. No other pair of nations except Canada and the United States are such important customers of one another. The cotton manufacturing industry of Great Britain — her greatest industry — is based upon our raw cotton, for we supply about half of all that the country consumes, and used to supply still more. This is the greatest single item in our whole export trade. Our exports of foodstuffs to Great Britain are gradually dropping off, because while our needs are increasing at home, Great Britain is able to procure an increasing supply from her colonies — especially Canada, Australia, and New Zealand — and from Argentina. It is likely that our exports of cotton to Great Britain will diminish simi- larly, but more gradually; for India, Egypt, and British East Africa are increasing their supply for the mother country. Germany as a market. Next to Great Britain, Germany normally stands highest as a consumer of our goods. In the last year before the World War, one seventh of our total exports went to Germany and one tenth of our imports came from that country. The goods we send to Germany are about the same as those we send to Great Britain — foodstuffs and raw materials for industries, especially cotton and copper.