127 SCHEDULE 10.—FLAX, HEMP, JUTE AND MANUFACTURES OF ITEMS ON WHICH RATES ARE INCREASED Paragraph | ct of! Act of | 1922 | 1030 001 001 1001 001 001 1001 001 001 001 001 | 010 | 009 nt | 004 005 | 005 005 | 005 .006 1 007 | 013 "013 016 020 ! 1023 1023 001 001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 L001 L001 1001 1010 009 - 004 1004 1005 1005 | 1005 005 1006 i) 1009 1013 1013 1016 1020 | 1022 N22 Imports, calendar year 1928 | Computed duties on, 39 Actual or com- puted ad valo- rem rate Commodity | Unit of quantity Rate of duty - B | Vtue per | xo of 1020 | Act of 1030 Quantity Value unit Act of 1922 Act of 1930 Act of Act of 1922 1930 Max SEW oe Ton... lax, not backled._. ._____.___ TTTITTTTITI memes oes mene lax, hackled, including dressed 2 os ii i lax OW eee TT eee A BX MOUS. oT TTT te A emp, not a meen ee ‘emp, heckled... CITT eee goes {emp bow. ooo TTT ERR Ame wm TEer ’rin vegetal or palm leaf BOR es ore Em mi A ia rin vegetal or palm-leaf fiber (from Cubaj_. 1117 711i r obo 40-ae oo Voven fabrics of flax, n.s.p. fo_.._________ Pound Voven fabrics of flax, hemp, or ramie; paddines co nooirso--~ round... of flax, hemp, or jute. ! ; paddings or interlinings |... do... arns, singles of flax, hemp, or ramie....________ a hread, twine, and cord of flax, hemp, or ramie. = "Tm ne man :ordage, including cables, tarred or untarreq; ~~ ="""="m=e--==|---=0. amen. A sol 07 wher oa Heres do manila, sisal, or other hard fiber, go pon ems mmm meen AO all three-quarters inch in diameter. ore) (riff, less than | ~~" do - 1 INOr. ooo. a FIORY Grama emssainmmemmmonim remem 8 irr men ill nettings, nets, webs, and seines.___.__.____ 0 Hose for conducting liquids or gases of vegetable fihers___ : i Linen table damask and manufactures of ______ o _ Tt Sets, iamiadiatns ong napkin... doo. oe emifiea a. other than cotton: Hemmed or | Dozen. ineoleum and floor oileloth: Inlaid linol Tats of cocoa fiber or Tattan. oo oom... ~eemeeemocen..-| Square yard ‘Latting of cocoa fiber or rattan, CTITTTTTITI me Square my Per cent] Per cent | per tO0. ce ceeen 3.97 5.95 4 cents per pound...| 3.78 5.01 cents per pound..... 4.2” b.: 4 cent per pound...... Ll 5.45 | BE. Cl 12.01 cents per pound..__. 7.47 14. 81 V4 cents per pound...| 8 7¢ 15. 28 cents per pound.....| 7.8¢ 15.71 cent per pound..-_.. 33.3% 4. 50 cent per pound less 4,60 6.26 20 per cent. 0 per centomnmmnouon-ai 20.0 10.00 MOT eee cca 4 re 4.07 nll, cnpennpmageewed) BL 34, 86 ) ner sent 33,10 10. 00 4 cents per pound.....| 10. 47 13. 61 , cents per pound plus 5. 85 30. 59 15 per cent. I t cents per pound.....| 5.68 5.14 ' cents per pound less 4,08 0.88 20 per cent. | rT 42.85 | t5. 00 814 cents per poun: plus 15 per cent. } 33.66 2.14 I5 per cent. eeeouann.| 40.00 15. 00 sre ew mppammismnnany 30.00 15. 00 Owvercentd..........| 45.00 32.91 s2 per cent__.._..._...| 35.00 | 42.00 3 cents per square foot! 59.07 78.76 10 cents per square | 23.83 29.79 yard. cmaen| 35.29 | 42.02 1,879 126 (1 374 L353 338 18 0,924 15 3,229,930 | 3,162 855 2,311, 320 107, 505 151, 662 | 1, 544, 084 ), 218, 654 "34, 748 43,868 | 185, 224 | , 345, 159 3,304,061 537,435 4,628, 702 177.786 | $2,068 350.439 079,095 393.235 207.927 043.037 64903 410.935 00.731 186.447 | 10,205 302.511 162,142 313.10. 5131 85.055 549, 834 50.333 4,205 286.332 7,098, 598 .867 EE ZBL “68, 381 or 3,225 | .239 | .54, 693 120 | 203, 158 .130 | 34, 508 147 46,154 ooo. 133, 074 .718 014, 819 1.125 433 877 | ooo. 500, 781 1,031 389, 431 +. 097 170, 148 1102 50 874 32° POL 10,746 95, 693 19,84 6, 283 30, 374 14, 157 403 183, 523 202 3,100, 439 | 664, 709 354, 214 155, 437 3,791 2, 581 16, 640 1, 409 | 19,777 44,705 3, 405, 928 173, 551 575,351 206, 300 77,722 14. 293% $123 31, 128 43, 57° 26,42" 8,37¢ 60, 74¢ 24,774 806 244, 698 269 23,919,439 1,774,709 429, 235 '87, 352 4,929 139, 086 44,3878 1 LAO. eee 3,756 4 cent per pound less 20 per cent. 20,771 | Tarious ooo} 17 cents per pound less 56,080 | 10 per cent. 2,706,669 40 percent... ....—_... 195,245 dO meee 852,213 d5percent._..-.-._. 247,561 35percent. ooo... 370, 296 | 6 cents per square foot. 17.779 | 8 cents per square yard | $2 Per tOM. oe em eeea . eent per pound. _.___ “cents per pound... £ cent per pound.-....! re e@O aan cent per pound... ‘cents per pound... ...! cent per pound.....| { cent per pound... i cent per pound less 20 per cent. 0 per cenbu.ouomncnn-. grious. Total inarease_________ remiss snnssessglghemeemememed an 20,842,736 |. 0,531,154 12. 540.379 ' ITEMS ON WHICH RATES ARE DECREASED Per cent Per ur 91, 67 * ts per pound_....| 9 cents per pound. .... ‘ 1008 | 1008 | uo wis, ine ana eordage of 2 or more yarns twisted together $12] $0120 $11 | $0 | 11 cents per | 35.00 | 35.00 Size of single yarn or roving: 5 pounds and finer, gether, i» ero eevee 1011 1011 | Pain woven fabrics of vegetable fiber, except cotton and jut 4.811.411 1,295 1,683, il weiching less than 4}5 ounces per square yard jute | | | - | - fot doerens OI _— - 4,811,423 | ow 1,686, 005 94,008 | nnn | —————— I PE pe nes 005 re ; i b I lculated on 3 timated at $200,000. Duties cal i ini . 1010 to par 1009; value es Ching in phvasolo, nrrasing tho tread som mtn moe see re Ce a Fee Ber Be To Tr ny Tu ] a a " i Cos an re ; h limitation from 24 to 36 inches, transfers fabrics, estimated value $2,000,000, from paragraph 1011 to paragraph anges in phraseologg reduces the weight limita; i s the width limitation \ S 5 ] i 010, pais Sle on hanged vale tions from 414 to 4 ounces per square yard and increase duty of 1 cent each; estimated that 25 per cent (848,515 dozen) would be subject to is Ban aug rovide av any of the handkerchiefs made with hand-rolled or h biect to an additional duty of 1 cen ; esti cont (848,515 dozen) would b tot ’ : ; ) With 1 andmade hems shall be subject to ¢ ¢ duty of mute oem per, aie Shanges in phrasecloev reducing the weight limitatigng from 414 to 4 ote COS S81 and increasing fhe width limitation from 24 to 36