Maturity: Mar. 15, 1929 to 1940-—Final maturity, Sept. 15, 1940. 
Interest: March and September 15th. 
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 
Taxes: 4% Federal—Pa., R. I., Conn., Md., Mass. 
Redemption: 104 to 1930; then 103 to 1935: then 102 to 1938; 
thereafter 101. 
Trustee: American Trust Co., New York, 
Assessed 1930: $2,000,000. 
Ames & Co. vo... $2,800,000 
David H. Knott........ eee. 2,950,000 
Security: Fee estate in land having a frontage of 98.75 feet on 
Madison Avenue extending back on 28th Street 150 feet— 
and the 16-story office and mercantile building erected 
1928 net available for interest........ 
Interest charges 
Times oarned ...ovmemvrir. pr wnrsess rrmvees 
1929 earnings not vet reported, but rentals are 
Fox New Academy of Music 
(New York City) 
First Mortgage Leasehold Gold 6%% 
Amount: $1,100,000; outstanding, $1,001,000. 
Dated: Sept. 1, 1926. 
Maturities: 1928 to 1941. 
Interest: March and September 1st. 
Denominations: $1,000. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Pa., Conn., Md., D. of C., Mich, Ky., Va, 
Redemption: 103 to 1931; then 102 fo 1936; thereafter 101. 
Trustee: New York Trust Co.. New York. 
Brown, Wheelock, Harris Vought & Co..... $1,800,000 
Chas. F. Noyes & Co..oovvvieniennneenne... 2015300 
Assessed 1930: Land, $685,000; land and building, $1,210,000. 
Security: Leasehold estates in land 14534 x 206% at No. 126- 
138 East 14th Street, running through to a street frontage 
at 193-135 Fast 13th Street with stores and business space