The information summarised in the report was obtained by personal interview in each period with nearly 3,000 retail traders in 18 towns, representative of all classes of trade and types of business. 2. In 1929, nearly 61 million cwts. of butter were imported into the United Kingdom and, on the basis of the 1925 estimate, probably less than one million cwt. was produced at home. The chief sources of supply were Denmark 34 per cent. of the total import, other foreign countries 24 per cent., New Zealand 20 per cent., Australia 12 per cent. and the Irish Free State 9 per cent. In all, the imports from the oversea Empire together with the home production were approximately equal to the imports from foreign countries. Most of the supply of butter from Australia and New Zealand arrives in this country during the winter and early spring ; Irish supplies are at their maximum in the summer, and the European imports also increase during the summer months, These variations approximately balance, and the total imports are spread fairly evenly throughout the vear. 3. The following table shows the percentage of shops stocking the various types of butter at the two periods :(— Percentage of Shops Stocking. Type of Butter. Danish . New Zealand [rish .. Australian Argentine Finnish .. farm .. Siberian .. Swedish .. Ukrainian ., Others .. Bulk-Blended Packeted First Survey. (April-June) 3 25 19 i) 9 20 Second Survey. ‘Tulv-September ) 23 29 5 1