At the end of 1928, also, there were 370 licenses for electrical installa- tions in force, of which 279 were held by private enterprises and 91 by public-utility companies. Of the private licenses issued, 241 were held for private use in Java and 38 were in force in the Outer Possessions. Of the total public-utility licenses issued, 55 were in force in Java and 36 in the Outer Possessions. The following list, taken from the annual report of the Bureau of Water Power and Electricity, shows the water-power Concessions in force. StaTEMENT oF CONCESSIONS OF HYDRAULIC POWER ALLOTTED BY THE GOVERN- MENT AND STILL IN FORCE AT THE END oF 1928 Name of the river Concession granted to Status of undertaking [AVA Bol oeRyany (Semarang)_...._. 0) co gts SS AE Molek Waterworks (Malang) ____ Mangis Waterworks (Kedoe) .. __ Tiflaki, Tjitambaga (Middle . Priangan). Kali Birve (Pasocroean)..___...__. Kali Diatiroto (Probolingo).__.__ Tlipdlanganggede (West Prian- gan). Tjiseureuh (West Priangan).____. Tjiboeni (West Priangan)________. Tjiandjoer (West Priangan). ..___. Van der Wijeck Waterworks (Kedoe). Kali Tongah (Djember)..___.__.__ Kali Telefoon (Djember)____.____. Kali Koentjir (Kediri). . _ a A.N.I.E. M1 cy doo Hoo Tjwie Nio Tio Djoe Co_____. ‘Sanitas™ Ice Co... __________ Assam Tea Estate “ Malabar’ ____ ‘n operation since 1913. ixtension completed in 1923. n operation since 1907. n operation since 1912. n operation since 1994 Jotel Nongko-Djadjar____.___.__ Loemadjang Ice Factory, Asso- ciated Ice Factories. ‘Perbawatie’” Estate. .._____.__. Moelia Agricultural Co. .________. Ljisades Tea Co. (Ltd.).._____.___ Fed By Bl Onin omnmmreen N. V. Koloniale Bank____________. "‘Gondang” Rubber Co_____._.__. “‘Djatirono” Coffee and Rubber Estate. Lie Djing Han, Sugar Factory Koedjonmanis. Tjiboetaroewa (Middle Priangan). ‘Negla” estate. . ... m—— Oemboelanhronnen (Pasoercean).. xajamsche estate______________.__ Parseh main canal (Bondowoso).. Sugar factory * Asem Bagoes”___. Kali Bogowonto (Bagelen)...__... \.N.I BE. Mo. Tjiletee (West Priangan)_________ ‘Strijker’” Cultivation Co. _______ Titleuleu] (Krawang)____._____._. Snail Public Utilities Co_. Olin dO] Tjiboeni (Middle Priangan)_._____ Belgian-Tavanese Cultivation Co Tiimoendjoel (West Priangan)___. oa Tjirohani Cultivation 0. Tjisalimar (West Priangan)____.. 2andan Tes Co. [7575 3 RR Tjikaroentjang and Tjikendoeng Boekanagara” Estate, Anglo- (Krawang), Dutch Plantation Co. Kali Manis (Blitar)____.__________ \nglo-Java Estates (Ltd). _. Kali Konto (Malang) __...__...._. 4.1. W. E ccc i vt yom memset rm ee Kali Soekawidi (Djember). _..___. 3anjoewangi Electric Co_________. Tjisaat, Tjisaroeni, and Tjiawer [Misaroeni Agricultural Conve. (East Priangan). Kali Sonosekar (Malang)._.______. ‘Soember Tjoeling”” Estate__..__. Tjitjoledas (Middle Priangan).__.. 2oerbasari Grazing Lands (Inc.). Kali Kitiran (Tegal) a me of Anglo-Dutch Planata- tion Co. Secondary canal and tertiary canal Jjombang Ice Co... __.....__._. of the Pategeean waterworks. Tjikaso (West Priangan)_________. ‘Tiikaso” Estate... __..___.__. Kali Bandjaran (North Banjoe- 3anjoemas Electric Co............ mas). Kali Ware (Djember)....__..__. Zeelandia estate ..__.__._________| Barseh K. P. canals, 1and 2 (Bon- \ssem Bagoes Sugar estate. _______. dowoso). Bonne main eanal (Djem- Probolingo Ice dor] er). Kapongan main canal (Bondo- Pandjic and Tandjoengsario Cul- WOS0. tivation Co. Kali Lengkong (Probolingo). .___. “tgenoeng Sritie Rubber & Coffee Estate. * See section under “Public-utility companies’ for full names of abbreviated eoncerns. (n operation since 1921. Final installation not yet com. bleted. [n operation since 1922 1 operation since 1910, n operation since 1928. n operation since 1923. “onstruction not begun. [n operation since 1923, In operation since 1924, In overation since 1926. 1 operation since 1925, 0 operation since 1924, n operation since 1925. 1 operation since 1926, construction not begun. n operation since 1912. n operation since 1924. Id operation since 1923, 1 operation since 19925 [n operation since 1924. Existing installations in opera- tion since 1925, [n operation since 1927. [n operation since 1928, Do. 'n operation since 1927. Do. Under construction. nn operation since 1804 Partially in operation; balance not yet begun. In operation since 1928, Construction not becun. Under construction. (lanstruction not begun. Do. Do. Do