Object: Report from the Select Committee on Money Lending

Report, 1897—continued. 
Renewals of Loans—continued, 
being very heartrending, Farrow 1089 Great hardship when borrowers once get 
into the hands of money lenders, Scobie 1468-1471. 
Explanation in the matter of some circulars sent by witness’ clerks without his 
knowledge, offering to lend more money to persons who have been already through 
his hands and have lint paid up, Gordon 2879-2896. 2932-2937 Attention of 
"itncss called to some instructions issued by him to valuers in which reference is 
made to the very large profits obtainable from borrowers under the system of 
monthly renewals, Kirkwood 4034-4040. 
Repayments. Summary of the conditions and evils connected with the repayment of loans; 
opportunities taken bv the lender for the extraction of excessive amounts of interest, 
Farrow 121-125 Several cases of repayment books being destroyed or retained by 
the money lender, ib. 135, 136. )151-1154 Evidence in proof of statement that 
interest is secretly appropriated by money lenders, and that borrowers in making 
monthly repayments are kept under the delusion that they are from the first paying 
off capital by degrees and that the rale of interest is only 5 per cent, per annum, 
when it is 5 per cent, per month, ib. 1092-1135. 
Suggestion as regards some rebate being allowed if the debt is repaid before the 
stipulated period, Farrow 1136-1139 Proposal as to the exact amount of principal 
advanced, together with the rate of interest, being stated separately ; also the amount of 
interest and of principal respectively, to be repaid in each instalment, ib. 1363 
Suggestion as to instalments being applied in reduction of principal as welt as of interest, 
Scobie 1458-1466. 1516-1523. 
Risk. Grounds for the contention that there is a prejudice against Fieldings and other 
money lenders through their being judged mainly as advancing money at exorbitant 
rates of interest per annum, whereas their loans are frequently for short periods at a 
given sum for the accommodation proportionate to the risks incurred, Samuel 2076- 
2092. 2094-2099 Charge made by Fieldings for interest according to the risk, just 
as underwriters charge; difficulty in stating the average rate charged, the lowest being 
about 15 to 20 per cent, ib. 2173. 2199-2210. 
Explanations by way of justifying witness’ action in the matter of some loan trans 
actions with a lady named Claremont, to whom he sent 100Z. in bank notes, taking 
from her a promissory note for 200/., due in three months; he is several hundreds 
of pounds out of pocket through this person, though he was aware she had an 
annuity of 600/. a year, Gordon 2818-2841. 3355-3362. 3369, 3370 Perfect right 
claimed by witness to risk or to sell bis money, making the best possible bargain for 
himself, in view of the risk incurred, ib. 2839-2841.2875-2878. 3363-3370 Explana 
tions respecting the Maidstone case cited by Mr. Farrow; the borrower in this case has 
never paid a farthing, Kirkwood 4000, 4001. 
Roach, Thomassina. Inability of witness to explain the case of Thomasina Roach in 
December 1896, in which it is submitted that he had to pay damages for trespass under 
a bill of sale, Kirkwood 5448-5455. 
Russell, Mrs. Isabel. (Digest of her Evidence.) — Examination in considerable detail 
respecting the money transactions between Messrs. Fieldings and witness in March 
1893, and subsequently ; she professes to be quite unable to supply particulars with 
any accuracy, and deprecates publicity in the matter in view of her position in Oxford, 
1553 et seq. 
General statement that, witness lias finally settled matters with Messrs. Fieldings, 
that she is now quite satisfied with their treatment of het (having seen their agent 
quite recently), and that. Mr. Farrow has much misunderstood the circumstances, 1 553 
et seq. 
Consideration of statements and queries submitted to witness on the part of the Com 
mittee as to the actual amount borrowed by her, and the payments for interest thereon; 
admission as to her having written very strongly about her treatment by Messrs. 
Fieldings, though she now considers she was mistaken on several points, 1560 et seq. 
Salaries. Hardships committed in connection with the authority sometimes obtained to 
draw the borrower’s salary, Farrow 147. 1255-1259. 
Samuel, Isaac. (DigPst of his Evidence.)— Witness is managing d’rector of Fieldings, 
Limited, the head office of the company being at Cardiff, with eleven or twelve branches 
in the United Kingdom, 1703, 1704. 1716-1719. 
Statement with reference to a recent advertisement of the company in the “ Oxford 
Journal,” setting forth that Fieldings do not charge fees or fines, that travelling 
0.142. t t 4 expenses

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