Full text: Report from the Select Committee on Money Lending

W O R 
Report, 1897—continued. 
Wood, Thomas, ;md Cecil King. Particulars of the case against a money lender named 
Wood for taking fees without intention to make any loan : subsequent conviction and 
imprisonment of Wood on other cases involving fraud, the papers bein<r with the 
Treasury, Farrow 261-380 Explanations in connection with the case of Macfarlane, 
and with the negotiations and correspondence between him and Mr. Wood of Stockwell, 
who undertook to lend him 700Z. at 34 per cent., obtained from him 3/. 3s. in lees, 
and never carried out the loan, ib. 614-622 Refusal of the magistrate to grant a 
warrant in the foregoing case when submitted to him by witness; prosecution under 
taken by the Scotland Yard authorities, Wood having been sentenced for five veats, 
ib. 622-625. 
Particulars of the case of Thomas Wood and Cecil King (tried at the May sessions of 
this year); collusion proved in this case, intending borrowers being required in the first 
instance to take out policies of life insurance, Wood and King receiving commissions on 
the first year’s premium, exacting fees tor inquiries, ike., without any intention 01 any 
power to advance the money applied for, Cuffe 3466-3487. 3575 Sentence of five 
years penal servitude passed upon Wood, whilst King got ten months’ hard labour, 
ib. 3468. 
Working Classes. Exceedingly rare transactions of w'itness with the working classes, 
Kirkwood 4200, 4201. See also Bills of Sale.

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