Stuttgart it took 40 hours, of which 15 hours
were taken up with intervals at 13 different
places. Between Dresden and Madgeburg, a
distance of about 100 miles, no less than 16
different Custom Houses were in existence.
We must not forget that up to 1803 there were
no less than three hundred sovereigns and princes
in Germany. Not until then was she divided into
only thirty-eight monarchies, all of which regarded
each other as foreign in respect of Customs
legislation, so that there were thirty-eight Custom
frontiers. Naturally, commerce and intercourse
were hopelessly hampered in consequence. Fried
rich List, the eminent writer, made a very com
prehensive comparison in attributing to these
Customs boundaries the same effect as if each
member of a human organism was tied under
neath, so that the circulation of blood is cut off.
In order to transact business between Hamburg
and Austria, or between Berlin and Switzerland,
one had to cross ten different States, to study ten
different Customs regulations, and to pay ten
times Transit Customs. Furthermore, the large
variety of coins and currencies and of weights
and measures considerably complicated business
Germany’s new economic history is usually
divided into three periods; the first one from