Babson’s Reports
Relative to the Underlying Monetary,
Mercantile and Investment Conditions
We are able to supply and. distribute statistics on the subjects upon
■which the Babson Composite Plots are based. These we supply to
Stock Exchange Firms, Bond Houses, Mercantile Houses, Manufac
turers and Investors.
By a study of these data each week, one can readily ascertain for
himself whether we are in a period of prosperity, a period of depression,
or are passing from one to the other; and what should be the next
major change in trade, money rates, commodity and investment
The cost of this information is very small in comparison with what
it is costing firms to collect such data independently, and these figures
are absolutely accurate and more up-to-date than if collected by
subscribers independently. Following are the several services issued
by the Babson Statistical Organization.
A service for the manufacturer and merchant, showing favorable
and unfavorable business conditions throughout the country, where
to push sales, advertising, etc., together with an accurate, up-t.o-date
report of specific industries and their probable trend.
Designed for the conservative, intelligent investor desiring to
obtain the maximum of profit with all losses eliminated, through a
use of the “long swings.”
Distinctly different from the “Mercantile,” as it takes up specific
commodities rather than industries, showing whether to buy or hold
off, whether to stock up or liquidate.
A condensed service for bankers, treating of present bond purchases,
commercial paper, money rates, etc., aiming to give all information in
concise form.
A practical service, showing the trend of the strike and labor situa
tion and discussing Labor, Social and Religious problems from all
sides with a view to helping if possible to solve these questions for
Employers, Employees and Social Workers.
A service providing important world wide business, real estate
and investment information not otherwise discussed in the preceding
services. Advance information on profitable opportunities through
out the world.
Further particulars relative to the above will be sent gratis
on application. Address the
Wellesley Hills, Mass., U. S. A.