Full text: Bonds and stocks

the way in which he invested $100,000 one day 
during a recent period of low prices: 
$20,000 in the transportation business, dividing 
the same between the stocks of the Pennsylvania 
Railroad Company and the Illinois Central Rail 
road Company. 
$20,000 in the agricultural business, buying 
equal amounts of the Virginia-Carolina Chemical 
preferred stock and the International Harvester 
Company preferred stock. 
$40,000 in industrial enterprises, buying equal 
amounts of the General Electric Company stock 
and the American Sugar & Refining Company 
$10,000 in copper stocks, dividing this amount 
among Calumet & Hecla, Amalgamated and Utah 
Copper Company stocks. 
$30,000 in the iron and steel business, but con 
fined this portion of the investment to the purchase 
of United States Steel preferred stock. 
$30,000 in the lighting business, dividing this 
amount among the stocks of the Consolidated Gas 
Company of New York and the Peoples’ Gas Light 
and Coke Company of Chicago and the Edison 
Illuminating Company of Boston. 
This gave him a total of $90,000, and covered 
all of the important lines of trade excepting the 
street railway business, and after considerable dif 
ficulty, he decided to buy with this portion $10,000 
of New York Railways Refunding 4% bonds, as 
he did not find any traction stocks which appealed 
to him.

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