IRtrodueHON. ova i a bm mit seer pres wa oreo 1
Sugar-cane plantation operations in Louisiana. .....coeeniciaannna. tsemeresmey 2
History and Progress. i............. cv oisene sesnis sive nn vanes te sie "e 4
Agricultural conditions in the sugar-producing parishes. 7
Plantation equipment... ...c coos cds se Veniaiot ins sou snmmn sai in msamins 9
Acres in cane, other crops, and in canals and ditches. .................. - 9
Daily record reports and cost keeping. ............... uh sin dhi aaa 10
Drainage, ditching, restorative crops, and fertilizers..................... . 11
Cultivating and planting cane............ 14
Harvesting and factory delivery of cane.......... Sods ip Shield . 15
Peed and Me eoRE. . i de Sewn x was vn eis Sp Sires erase ex 16
Plantation costs of production by establishments...................... “ee 18
Cost per acre and tons produced per acre.........cccveeuvrencannsennness 23
Detailed labor cost and its per cent of total.............................. 24
Plantation occupations and wages........... “ie 26
Tenant systems, costs, and contracts... 29
Sugar parishes of TomISIaNg. . cae seas sees en nnsmnss sro crise asnssssenenes 29
Efficiency and reliability of plantation labor.......................... ¥ 31
Permanence and stability of labor iiss. 35
Financial conditon of the plantation laboring classes............. 35
Tenants’ cost of producing cane on basis of rent of $5 peracre................ 37
Tenants’ cost of producing cane on basis of paying landowner one-fourth of
TOSS proceeds. oe tiem sean ress sags ane, 40
Tenants’ cost of producing cane on basis of paying landowner one-third of
HEProcEEdE. ie ilies denna sr nie seis saan sates nie 44
Landowner and tenant ledger account for five years, on a basis of two-
rd tg Tent. LL et en ine rid enna nas des Eee ea Ns 45
Cane contracts................... SAR ESRI LPN RA El 48
Pricepaid to growersof cane... .. Lo. ail o tn, 5b
Part 2. CANE SucArR—PropucrioNn AND Factory Costs.
Cane sugar, factory production ......c.csseesrorssisnnsnchasiioescnessoner avi 57
Export of cane SUgar.........covivssiosssniinnstsssat rinses ssvensins don 58
Cane-sugar production in the United States........................ 61
Extent of the industry—Capital, materials, labor, and product............. 61
Sugar production by parishes, 1910-11.........c..c0 io. Jae. o aes. 63
Manufacture Of Cane SUZAr........ vies vnsesseridsrinc enc densinanas “nuie 64
Diagram of raw-sugar faciOry.. .» coe reerciian edi sn serinb ih alii Lol, 66
Definitions of various forms of sugar.. 69
Cost of production. . .sessessscvssessss 71