From the storage charges there is a discount of 10 per cent for all
merchandise of which the storage in the bonded warehouses is obliga
tory, and a discount of 25 per cent for merchandise which by law can
be stored in a private warehouse (entrepôt fictif) under the surveil
lance of the customs officials.
For goods which have been released from the custom-house by pay
ment of the duties, or for goods on which there is no duty, the storage
charges are given in the right-hand column of the foregoing table.
When the goods are handled without weighing, for collecting the
charges, part of the goods will be weighed to ascertain the general
average weight. The charges for repacking and recoopering are fixed
per package. No charge can be less than 1 franc (19.3 cents) for han
dling cargo and weighing; 0.5 franc (9.65 cents) for handling cargo
without weighing; 0.5 franc (9.65 cents) for recoopering or repacking.
If the merchandise is received in bulk, when the rate in the tariff
is fixed per package, the charges are increased 25 per cent.
Charges of all kinds are paid in cash after each operation is fin
ished. To avoid delays, however, the company will open running
accounts with merchants, provided the latter will deposit with the
company a sum of money sufficient to guarantee the charges. State
ments will be sent to the offices of the merchants after each operation,
and the accounts are settled monthly.
Charges for unloading and delivery on the quays are paid by the
captain of the vessel, or by the consignee, and when there is no con
signee, by the ship’s broker. All other charges are paid by the
owners of the merchandise. Storage charges commence the day the
first package is received. Merchandise stored for less than fifteen
days will pay for half a month, beyond fifteen days and up to thirty
days, for a whole month.
A transfer of ownership of stored merchandise may be made upon
the written order,of the grantor, indorsed by the grantee. In case
of a transfer the former owner is held responsible for the storage
charges until the expiration of the half month in which the transfer
of ownership was made. The transfer charges, when the merchan
dise is not displaced, are 20 centimes (3.86 cents) per 1,000 kilograms
(2,204.6 pounds) ; but in no case can the charges exceed 5 francs
(96| cents) or be less than 1 franc (19.3 cents). These charges are
paid by the grantor. When merchandise is damaged, after an official
report of its condition has been made by the custom-house officials, it
is transferred at the expense of the consignee to a special warehouse
where public sales are made.
Stored merchandise intended for shipment in sealed or unsealed
cars may be loaded in the yards of the company and sent to the freight
station of the Western Railway over (be connecting lines of railway of
the port of Havre at a cost of 1 franc (19.3 cents) per metric ton
(2,204.6 pounds), or from the freight station to the company's store
houses at the same rate. In the precincts of the bonded warehouses
are 6^ miles of tracks belonging to the company.
If the owner of stored merchandise refuses to pay the storage or
other charges, the company holds the goods until (lie claims are liqui
dated. In case of dispute as to the amount of charges the owner may
withdraw his goods by depositing a sum equal to the amount in