Full text: The abolition of destitution and unemployment

During the summer months many meetings were convened 
by the Independent Labour Party to direct attention to the 
problem of Destitution and Unemployment, and to popularise 
remedies and solutions on the lines of those laid down In the 
Minority Report of the Poor Law Commission. 
To increase the interest in this important question the 
I.L.P. held a National Conference at the Memorial Hall on 
Friday and Saturday, October 7th and 8th, 1910. The Con 
ference was attended by delegates from Co-operative, Trade 
Union, Labour and Socialist bodies, and from Friendly 
Societies, Ethical Societies, and P.S.A. Brotherhoods, and this 
pamphlet contains the papers and speeches given and the reso 
lutions carried, and makes a useful contribution to a pressing 
Full information regarding the Independent Labour Party 
may be had on application to the General Secretary of the 
I.L.P., 23, Bride Lane, Fleet Street, London, E.C.

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