Full text: Report on the non-metallic minerals used in the Canadian manufacturing industries

For the above three purposes the barite is ground to the 
fineness of flour, and in the case of the first two it is also lixiviated, 
as described later, in order to remove any stain. 
Rubber manufacturing. Barite is used for “weighting” or 
“filling”. For this purpose the mineral is very finely ground, 
but need not be lixiviated as the colour is not of much importance. 
The presence of barite, it is claimed, is desirable in rubber up 
to a certain percentage, as it adds to the resiliency and the 
durability of the product. 
Textile manufacturing. A very small quantity of finely 
powdered lixiviated barite is used in Canada for filling cotton 
Wall Paper manufacturing. Barite is used in the prepar 
ation of certain pigments employed in the printing of wall paper. 
The colours are precipitated on barite. For this purpose the 
mineral is finely ground and lixiviated. Absence of colour is 
Tanning industry. In the finishing of some leathers barite 
enters into the composition of the dressing. For this it is finely 
ground but need not be lixiviated. 
Chemical manufacturing. Barite is used as a source of 
barium in the manufacturing of various chemicals. 
In addition to the above uses to which barite is put, it has 
been stated that it is used to some extent as an adulterant in 
candy making, etc. This is, of course, not legitimate. The 
writer is not aware of any being used in Canada for this 
Lithopone, consisting of zinc oxide, zinc sulphide, and 
barium sulphate, is manufactured in the following manner. 
Solutions of zinc sulphate and barium sulphide are mixed, 
producing a heavy white precipitate of zinc sulphide and barium 
sulphate. This is carefully dried and roasted in a furnace, 
with the result that some of the zinc sulphide is converted to 
zinc oxide. The barium sulphide used is produced by heating a 
mixture of barite and charcoal, which causes a reduction of 
the barium sulphate to barium sulphide. 
There is no one manufacturing this in Canada according 
to the writer’s knowledge.

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